Another day and another deadly terrorist attack at the hands of jihadists. At last count, 84 dead and more than 100 injured in France on Thursday night and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Enough is enough. We cannot simply wish our problems away and being the "nice guy" in this war won't work either. The war of jihad is among us and we must put down the politically correct baton if we want to survive this disastrous reality.
Our enemies are driving trucks through crowds and mowing down innocent lives while the Obama Administration worries about gun control and climate change. I wish I were making this up, but I’m not.
I’ll get straight to the point, because quite frankly, we cannot afford to dither around and play games any longer. I need your help to save America!
Help us fight to protect America’s security, freedom, and values. Help us make America safe again.
ACT for America continues to ring the bell of freedom as a sounding alarm to the jihadist invasion our society now faces. Terrorist attacks like those in France and Orlando are occurring far too often these days and we simply cannot ignore this deadly threat we face. This is the war of jihad and until we address it... and address it head on....it's not going away.
Americans are worried. Americans are upset, and rightfully so. Political correctness is destroying the foundation upon which this great nation was founded. Our founders are rolling in their graves while our enemies are laughing at us.
We have a serious problem. It's not a gun problem or a weather problem. It's a jihadist problem and it’s past time we start calling a spade a spade and addressing the problem we know to exist.
When we fail to recognize what our problem truly is, that ignorance and blatant disregard for reality is deadly.
When the ideology of our enemy is ignored, we get Nice.
When the ideology of our enemy is ignored, we get Orlando.
When the ideology of our enemy is ignored, we get Boston.
When the ideology of our enemy is ignored, we get Fort Hood.
When the ideology of our enemy is ignored, we get Paris.
When the ideology of our enemy is ignored, we get San Bernardino.
It’s long past time to stop ignoring the problem and start addressing it.
Help us get our message out far and wide and prevent more jihadist attacks like the ones in France and Orlando.Make no mistake about it: This is a winnable war, but not until we face the enemy head-on, and not until our leaders start taking the necessary steps to do so.
We are here to make sure that happens. We are the NRA of national security and we are the political correctness push-back. Join us!
Please click here to commit to just $1 a week to help stop the deadly jihadist onslaught and to protect America’s freedom.
This is about not only the survival of America, but about the survival of Western Civilization.
Thank you for everything you do!
Always devoted,

Brigitte Gabriel
Founder & President
ACT for America
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