The Black Lives Matter movement has blamed cops and white people for the death of blacks who have had run-ins with the police, and they have used those deaths as evidence of some sort of systemic effort to devalue the lives of black people.
In the aftermath of cop-involved deaths of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota this week, liberals have been screaming “injustice” and “racism.” But there’s one important fact that no one in the BLM group or the liberal media wants to acknowledge — white people are killed by cops, too.
In fact, on June 25 an unarmed, teenage male was killed by police officers in Fresno, California, after he refused to obey orders and resisted arrest. Why haven’t you heard about this on the news? Why haven’t you been bombarded on social media with calls for justice? The answer is quite simple — the 19-year-old victim was white.
While searching an area of town where people had reported a man walking with a rifle, Fresno police said they witnessed a truck speeding and tried to pull it over, according to KABC.
The driver, Dylan Noble, reportedly led officers on a half-mile chase before pulling into a parking lot. When police ordered him to show his hands, Noble refused and made a “conscious effort to conceal one hand behind his back, then in his waistband, as he exited the truck, and walked away from officers,” a press release from Fresno police explained.
Authorities reported that Noble said he “hated his life” and started walking toward officers, who then shot him four times.
Two of the shots could be heard and seen on cellphone video taken of the incident. In the footage, Noble appeared to already be on the ground near or underneath his truck when the last two shots were fired, 14 seconds apart.
It was later determined that Noble was unarmed, and his parents have reportedly been considering suing the police department for his death.
While the cops were wearing body cams, video of the shooting has not been released to the public, so the only evidence of what happened comes from a 26-second cellphone video that authorities say doesn’t paint the whole picture.
Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer explained that the officers confronted Noble for more than a minute while he ignored dozens of their commands and mimicked the movements of someone armed with a gun.
“When he gets within about 12 feet of the officers, he makes the statement ‘I hate my effing life’ and then he quickly starts to pull his hand out when the officer fires two rounds and shoots him,” Dyer said.
It was only after those shots and Noble had fallen to the ground that the video began, so it’s unclear what happened in the time between the first shots and the last two captured on video.
Watch video footage of the shooting here: http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2016/07/in-video-california-man-ignores-fresno.html
Dyer stood by his officers’ actions, saying the teenager “deliberately raised his shirt with the left hand and reached with his right hand underneath his shirt into the waistband.”
“The officers, at that point, believed he was trying to retrieve a firearm and they fired,” he said.
The facts of this shooting were similar to the circumstances surrounding the shooting death of Alton Sterling, a black man who was killed by Baton Rouge officers when they responded to a call about a man with a gun and he resisted their orders.
Liberals want to treat Sterling and other black people killed during confrontations with police as examples of racial injustice, but in reality, it doesn’t matter what race you are — if you disobey a police officer, it’s not going to end well for you.
Are you surprised that the cop-involved shooting death of a white teen hasn’t received nearly the attention that similar black deaths have? Like and share on Facebook and Twitter and let us know.
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