oped: I'm sorry, going to be blunt here..I am still mad at GWBush for creating the DHS...I was against it back then and still am now...I expressed my opinion when it was created...I said this was a bad idea as it would be abused as soon as the Progressive Party gained control with a abusive POTUS!
Jeh Johnson is a reverse racist and a overseer for non other than Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama (or whatever his real name is) also known as the new Anthony Johnson see: http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2013/02/barry-barack-obama-is-new-anthony.html
He commits on a daily basis Obstruction of Justice ...high crimes and misdemeanors,sedition bordering on treason!
via: MinutemenNews
A man opens fire on police, shoots twelve officers – murdering five of them; and yet the Obama administration’s, Jeh Johnson, still can’t find it within himself to call that heinous act a “hate crime.” He does take time though to make a statement in defense of the group Black Lives Matter.
During an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday morning, John Dickerson asked DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson,
“You said there’s no link to a terrorist
organization here, but the shooting in Dallas was by any definition
terrorism and a hate crime, wasn’t it?”
With the usual noncommittal, leftist gibberish he replies:“Well…there’s still an investigation being conducted by the Dallas police department and by the FBI, supported by lots of other resources in local government and federal government, so it’s still relatively early. We do know from Chief Brown that this individual apparently told the hostage negotiator that he wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers, I think that’s almost a quote. And, so, this is obviously a terrible act – appears to have been targeted at police officers, particularly white police officers. And, its a time to come together to heal, to mourn, but to remember that the shooter is not reflective of the larger movement to bring about change that was out in Dallas to peacefully demonstrate...”
See the interview: http://minutemennews.com/jeh-johnson-too-early-to-label-dallas-attack-a-hate-crime/
“Obviously a terrible act,” says Mr. Johnson. But, he won’t go so far as to call is ‘terrorism’ or a ‘hate crime.’
It seems to fit the FBI’s definition of a hate crime:
…the FBI has defined a hate crime as a
“criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in
part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.”
But, according to Mr. Johnson – it’s still too early to tell.
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