I don’t know who started the politically correct pussification process of the male collective, but I’d like to find them and pistol whip them into next week with my S&W Model 29 for ruining our planet.
That said, I believe one of the rankest places our pussification shows it’s browless noggin is in regards to Islam.
These ridiculous and antiquated people want to conquer and kill us and we’re told to not point that out.
Back in the day, our news sources, military leaders and politicians wouldn’t mince words about Nazis, or Stalin’s thugs, or Japan’s shiitake; but God forbid that we should say that Islam spawns terrorism more than fried eggs and bean dip make Gwenyth Paltrow gassy.
Yep, one of the most egregious forms of effeminization, and one that yields up the most ubiquitous examples, especially during Obama’s reign of terror as Pussy-In-Chief, is the politically correct fetal position the “media”, and especially liberal politicians, take when discussing bat-crap crazy Islam. It’s pathetic.
Here’s how lame some men have become when facing Muslim Mayhem at home and abroad. I grabbed these headlines from my website ClashDaily.com. Check it out:
Brits Cancel Mohammad Cartoon Exhibit Because It’s Too Offensive
• UK Pool to Ban Bikinis and ‘Islamically Inappropriate Swimwear’
• US Embassy Removes July 4 Celebration Out of ‘Respect for Islam’
• NYT Whines About How Our Bad-Ass SEAL Team 6 Kills Terrorists
• NYT Says, Chris Kyle ‘Insane’– Bruce Jenner ‘Courageous’
• College Students Demand That American Sniper be banned from Campus Because It’s Too Offensive.
As Col. Ralph Peters famously said, “My God, ISIS is taking over the Middle East, and our President can’t even say Islamist Terror.”
Daily, I see the most “You-gotta-be-kidding-me” excuses made, and cover given for, Muslim rapes and violence in Europe. It’s disgusting and it’s turned deadly in Sweden and Paris all via the intentional kissing of Islamic butt.
Personally, I think Europe is done. Their culture has become too PC and the invasion of Islam now too expansive for them to recover.
Finally, Leftists and Islam need you to be cowardly, docile and house-trained. They must eradicate a man’s masculinity in order for their evil machinations to thrive; and they’re doing a good job of making males spineless weasels aplenty… a society of frightened men.
Here’s my easy prediction: until men start acting like men and defy these religious Islamic monsters, then you and I can expect more massacres, rapes and invasions, and loss of our sacred liberties; and all because of our culture’s systematic pussification.
Here’s another column I wrote regarding the planet’s pussification three days after the Muslim terrorist attack in Paris in November of 2015. Pay particular attention to what I said in the last three paragraphs:
Here’s a question I’d like to put to the doe-eyed, Co-Exist, “poor Syrian/Muslim refugee” French folks and other easily deceived dupes who slurped down that politically correct bouillabaisse of one-hundred-percent, uncut, irrational, will/has never turned out well bullshit: How’d that kum-ba-yah, multi-culti mindset work out for you?
Not so well, eh?
Garsh, who’d a thunk that evil ISIS operatives, with mass
murderous wet-dreams, would try to scam their way into France under the
guise of being-persecuted, California-Dreamin’, nanny-goat-bearded good
I’ll tell you who would’ve “thunk” it: pretty much everyone with a lick of common sense, that’s who.
Helen Keller could’ve have seen that one coming.
Dear God, some of you are slow on the uptick. Please forgive them, Lord.
Now, for those of you who bought the altruistic bovine
scatology regarding the Hello-Kitty refugees, please go find a
sledge-hammer and hit yourself in the face with it for aiding and
abetting this atrocity.
In addition, after crashing your mug, go down to the
nearest cafe … order a triple espresso … down it after it cools and then
… please … wake the hashtag up because your We-Are-The-World acid trip
is getting people needlessly slaughtered.
Yes, I said it. Your political correctness opened the
door, and thereby helped cause, this Parisian catastrophe with your
oh-so-trendy, big-hearted and empty-headed belief that: “if we embrace
Islam then they’ll chill out and play parcheesi with us.”
Well, you were dead wrong … again. Operative word: dead.
This is what political correctness has yielded up, namely:
nations full of retards led by leaders that think they’re morally
superior by embracing their own death.
Here’s reality, folks: Islam makes things suck every where it goes.
For instance: They hate our freedoms, our Constitution,
our customs, our flag, our various religions, our atheists, our women,
the gays; they’d stone Bruce Jenner, they despise our music, they don’t
like bacon or bikinis and, truth be told, they’d love nothing more than
to take over Western Civilization and make it bow in submission to the
dictates of a 7th century pedophile who heard voices. That’s Islam in a
nutshell. They radically and fundamentally hate us. So … if what I just
described sounds peachy with you, and for your posterity, then inject
some Muslims into your national mix and give it about 30-40 years to
Oh, and for those still playing Ring-Around-The-Rosie and
blathering about how the “moderate Muslims” are mondo-jovial peeps,
please note… we’re not hearing too much from them condemning the
massacre in Paris; or their calling for European or American leaders to
lock down our respective borders because there are tens-of-thousands of
crazy mofos amongst the “poor refugees”.
I think Europe and the USA should follow Japan’s lead and make our countries insanely hard to get into.
Lastly, here’s my prediction regarding the French: I bet
they, starting with Hollande, curl back up into the fetal position. I
bet they go back into PC mode after a few days of bombing ISIS. And I
bet our leaders, especially on the Left, do so, as well.
Yep, I bet we blind ourselves all over again to Islam
being an implacable enemy inside our borders; and that we will not truly
wake up until… God forbid… Islam smacks the West so hard, killing way
more than they did on 9/11, that finally our fairy tale about Islam
being yummy will simply not cotton with reality.
Hopefully, when that happens, we’ll have leaders with a
steel will who will plow through the residual cruel remains of political
correctness and give Islam the apocalypse it says it wants.
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