by:Charles Campbell
"Stop radical Islam!"
Florida Gov. Rick Scott is an ardent defender of the Second Amendment. In the wake of the horrific Orlando massacre, he reminded CNN viewers Friday that even after more than two centuries, the Second Amendment has yet to kill anybody.
Host Pamela Brown referred to the president’s Friday comments about gun control. Obama dared critics to meet the families of the Orlando victims and see if they still thought there shouldn’t be any regulation.
Scott responded back, telling Brown the Second Amendment didn’t kill anybody. “Let’s remember, the Second Amendment has been around for over 200 years,” Scott said. “That’s not what killed innocent people. Evil killed innocent people.”
In an interview later that day on Fox News Channel, the Florida governor seemed a little more agitated than earlier. When Bill Hemmer asked if he thought the president’s fight against ISIS had been relentless, he unloaded.
“When do we stop and say, ‘Enough’s enough!’ When are we going to absolutely say our No. 1 focus, destroy ISIS. Stop radical Islam!” Scott said. “I mean, I do not want this to happen in my state again. This is disgusting. I’m fed up with it. It was an attack on our gay community, our Hispanic community… This has to stop.” https://youtu.be/ck_w6u2x-Kk
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