[ Democrats and Republicans nearly came to blows on the House floor after Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert (center) of Texas had approached the Democrats and yelled 'Radical Islam!' ]

[ Democrats chanted and shouted over Speaker Paul Ryan (above) as he gaveled the House into session and tried to bring order]
oped: May I suggest Speaker Ryan have the Sgt of Arms remove the student activists from congress and have them taken to the Vice Principals office for a suspension...after all adults do not act like this and who the hell voted these children to serve as their representatives?
Also see: http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2016/06/attn-congresspotusscotus-et-al.html
By Nikki Schwab, U.s. Political Reporter and Khaleda Rahman For Dailymail.com
and Republicans nearly came to blows on the House floor during an
extraordinary sit-in protest for a vote on gun control legislation on
Wednesday night that stretched into Thursday morning.
one point, Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas approached the
Democrats jabbing his finger, screaming 'Radical Islam killed those
people!' - in reference to the recent atrocity at the Pulse gay club in
Rep. Corrine Brown of Florida started yelling back at him. The two came
within inches of each other, both yelling. Lawmakers from both parties
separated the pair.
Democrats began an all-day sit-in on the House floor at 11.25 am on
Wednesday to demand votes on gun-control bills in the wake of the worst
mass shooting in modern U.S. history, which left 49 people dead in
Orlando on June 12.
They were still sitting on the floor at 3.13am when the House adjourned, and showed no signs of leaving.
Earlier, they shouted down Speaker Paul Ryan when he attempted to restore order as their protest stretched into the night.
Read more: Daily Mail
One of them even got a note from their mommy:So I'm meeting with @keithellison. His scheduler walks in and hands him this note. Meeting ends 🙂 #NoBillNoBreak pic.twitter.com/JwnusZKZuo— Trita Parsi (@tparsi) June 22, 2016
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