by Jenn Jacques
When the Shiloh Shooting Range in northwest Harris County, TX offered up free gun classes to anyone in the LGBT community interested in attending, they never expected the response they received!
“Everybody has been so excited about being able to come out and do this. And it’s been a great learning experience for not only my community but for their community as well,” Shiloh owner Jeff Sanford said. “They’re learning about their rights and learning about the License to Carry Class and they’re absolutely thrilled to take it.”
More than 300 people responded to Sanford’s offer and the calls and emails are continuing to pour in. He said the first class they held, where 60 of 62 scheduled showed up, set a record for a free class at Shiloh.
“We learned gun safety,” said Jared Anthony, who attended a class earlier this week. “We learned that it’s not … it’s a big responsibility. If you do carry, it’s something that you do need to take seriously. You are providing … you’re providing a service to the community really.”
The best part of this story? Sanford says he will continue the offer until everyone who wants to be trained has been trained.
If you are or someone you love is in the LGBT community and interested in taking a free course, we encourage you to send an email to info@shilohshooting.com for more information about scheduling and course requirements.
You can watch the news story from Click2Houston [HERE]
oped: Time again to post I'm just a Gun.. https://youtu.be/H2fYuVz4DDQ
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