A dangerous ideology is shared among many high-ranking government officials.
When there is a terrorist attack, why do the FEDS only want to re-focus on the right wing? It is almost like they are trying to say that there is nothing to see here, but you should see what the conservatives are up to. This is a way to marginalize the right and make them the danger. It is all about politics and control. Read more below.
As Written By Joe Bilello and first appeared Fox News:During a Wednesday Q&A session following a press briefing by Florida and FBI officials on the horrific terror attack at the nightclub in Orlando, a reporter could be heard asking, “Is the FBI tracking the Westboro Baptist Church”? FBI agent Ron Hopper quickly dismissed the ridiculous question by saying, “I have no information on that at this time.”
Unfortunately, the absurdity of that question does not merely represent the idiocy of one naïve reporter. It represents a dangerous ideology that is shared among many high-ranking government officials who are charged with the task of keeping us safe.
Every radical Islamist terror attack is an opportunity for those on the left to remind us how wonderful and peace-loving most Muslims are. It is also an opportunity to remind us of the potential threat lurking in the shadows, from a group who never actually partakes in any terrorist activities – “right-wing extremists.”
At a Homeland Security Advisory Council’s meeting following the…
Full Story Here:
Musings Of An Average Joe: As Islamists Plot Terror Attacks, Feds Focus On Threat From ‘Right-Wing Extremists’
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