Every time some wacko or terrorist starts shooting people, Barack Obama calls for more thorough background checks.
I'm going to take this a step further.."We the People" known as the electorate who are the hiring authority for all elected as well as appointed cabinet members need to demand a bill be passed in Congress requiring all candidates for Congress,Senate,President,VP be required to pass a full field background check at the secret level when they file papers to run for office with a side note requiring all sensitive Cabinet positions as well as POTUS/VP must pass a top secret level background check...no and ifs buts about it.
Being that all federal employees in sensitive positions must meet the full field background check requirements before being hired!
See The Obama files: http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2015/02/the-mysterious-frank-returns-obama-files.html
Complete files: http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/search?q=the+obama+files
The president and his liberal progressive friends are very quick to demand more background checks after the Orlando terrorist attack. However, for an advocate to such checks, President Obama has been very protected in having his own background checked. Sort of interesting that there have been so many obstacles to his birth records being sorted out. The questions to the details are plainly laid out in this article.
As Written By The Common Constitutionalist for Constitution.com:If Obama wants Americans to submit to background checks, then Obama needs to put up or shut up!
Every time some wacko or terrorist starts shooting people, Barack Obama calls for more thorough background checks. He wants to include mental health records, criminal records, no fly lists, terrorist watch list and who knows what else he’d add given the chance.
I’m against all forms of gun control and believe that they all violate the Second Amendment, but if I were to agree to the kind of background checks Obama wants, I would demand one provision be met first, that Obama submit to the first complete and thorough background check which includes opening up all of his personal records. Then and only then would I ever consider background checks, but I know I’m safe in saying that because Obama has not and will not submit to releasing his background information.
Several years ago, the Maricopa County Sheriffs Cold Case Posse tried to investigate Obama’s background. One of the pieces to the Obama birth certificate puzzle involves the birth of Virginia Sunahara. Virginia was born the same day Barack Obama, Aug. 4, 1961 and died on Aug. 5, 1961. Virginia’s brother, Duncan Sunahara had no birth certificate for his sister. In May of 2011, there did not seem to be any birth certificate for her at all. Then the state suddenly released a short form birth certificate to Duncan…….
Full Story Here:
Background Checks? Mr. Obama, You First! Put Up or Shut Up!
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