
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Attention all Millennial Generation...Listen up..!

Shama Lama Ding Dong we be...

Listen to your G/Pa's and G/Ma's... fact~ they have been there done that already...don't listen to the false prophets of the Obama administration [Progressives]...they be el Diablo and are leading you astray! #JustaFactJack 
 Funny Barack Obama Vampire Sucking Statue of Liberty

May I suggest you visit my blog...a oldies blog based on real time past experience...not how some college professor told me how to think [Some teach some Do...old and true saying]...just remember those who fail to study history are bound to repeat it... #JusaFactJack

SEE for example :
On my blog I am truly Fair and Balanced ...a term MSM and FoxNews try to claim...however they have their own proverbial agendas [Money profit]...I show both sides of the issue and have no problemo spanking my own as well as the opposition when they screw up...refreshing no?

In todays Progressive Universities they are hell bent on re-writing history to fit their proverbial agenda ...remember knowledge is power and reading comprehension a lost art and not taught in Universities today...
They want to keep you dumbed down unable to respond to diatribes,rants and false history put forth!

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