
Monday, September 21, 2015

Barack Obama el Diablo.....!

 Funny Barack Obama Vampire Sucking Statue of Liberty
Sorry folks but I'm gonna go out on a limb and call it how it is...Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama or whatever his real name is..I think el Diablo...'Dracula'...he is systematically draining the life blood of the USA. Akin to the old 'Ottoman Empire' of latent vampires...A well documented history of blood lust and perversion!
At this point in time all I can suggest is gurd up...put your God given armor on....stock up on Holy Water  and wooden stakes...take the fight to the enemy... it's going to be a long drawn out  fight to get our Holy Judeo/Christian Country back...tunnels run throughout the US leading to the *Hive* known as the WH! 
And Vn Vets know what I'm talking about...time to bring back the tunnel rats eh'? :)

Oh and stop banging your head and get busy: 

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