oped: Well Barry Barack Obama it appears as if you took Ben Carson's comment personal...hmmm maybe it's time you came out of the proverbial closet and admitted to your MB Islamic faith!
Never mind I will take you out of the closet:
SEE: http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2015/09/the-obama-filechristianmuslim-us.html
The White House said yesterday "there will be consequences" when asked about Ben Carson. The typical Muslim groups CAIR and others said he's unfit for office and should drop out. The left is trying to stop Ben Carson and calling him a bigot. We are defending him and his First Amendment rights against the liberal machine!
Ben Carson answered a gotcha question from a liberal reporter truthfully and has brought out the entire left against him. He's been called a bigot. He's been told to drop out of the race. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders went out of their way to reference it. Every pro-Muslim group is getting air time on MSNBC or CNN.
In referencing Sharia law he said he didn't believe a Muslim practicing sharia was compatible with the Constitution. And he's right. While nobody's religion prevents them from the Office, sharia law prevents anyone that supports it from the Office. The same groups arguing for him to drop out of the race freely admit that American law and the Constitution are unfit for sharia law.
CAIR, the infamous supporter of Hamas that meets in the White House and is considered the leading Muslim civil rights group, is leading the charge against Carson yet their leaders have been caught advocating for sharia taking over America. Never leave a controversey unexploited. The White House and CAIR conducted similar press conferences yesterday, almost as if they were sharing notes.
We've had enough! Ben Carson can't say it but we can. We will call out the poltically correct nonsense and liberal attacks on Carson. He doesn't deserve to be ridiculed by this question and we are putting out the forceful message against these attacks that he can't. Join us in taking on the left and defending Ben Carson!

Yes Indeed the dreaded Taxman has been unleashed on Dr.Ben Carson..maybe they should look into Bill and Hillary's income!
Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams.
- Dr. Ben Carson -
- Dr. Ben Carson -
Many people were introduced to Ben Carson when he called Obamacare the worst thing since slavery, with Obama sitting just a few feet away. This episode shows what kind of leader Carson is. He's not afraid to say what he thinks to anyone, including the President.
Ben Carson has the knowledge and a successful life in the private sector that shows he is ready to tackle the challenges of the current times. He speaks forcefully about the Constitution, the 2nd Amendment and he knows that our freedom and liberty are being taken away by the progressive policies of Obama.
Democrats are fearful because Carson is a successful man that didn't need government assistance and lashes out against the liberal agenda any chance he gets. That's why every talking head liberal group jumped at the first opportunity to go on the attack to get him out the race.
We are defending Carson from these attacks the way his campaign cannot. If you are afraid of the direction of the country and the nonsense thought and speech police of the left now is the time to Defend Ben Carson and fight back against these attacks!
Like Dr. Carson says it is time Americans rise up against the political class and lead America back to greatness with conservative values and principles! Ben Carson is the right candidate at the right time. He grew up poor with a strong single mother, learned the ladders of opportunity that America provides through education, hard work and a willingness to give back.
Liberal groups don't want you and other Americans to know his story so they are lining up to attack Carson's answer to a gotcha question and the media is taking it in. They will stop at nothing to destroy a conservative Black leader who questions the entire liberal worldview.
Your contribution of $25, $50, $100 or $250 will help us Defend Ben Carson against the left and bring his principled leadership to the White House!

Defenders of Freedom and Security
203 South Union Street Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
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