
Saturday, July 26, 2014

CNN Puts False News Of Israel Rejecting ‘Cease-Fire Deal’ Over Faces of Injured Children

oped: "There they go Again"...stolen Ronald Reagan quote...CNN will say and do anything to protect their chosen King of the LGBTQA movement akin to Hitlers National Socialist Nazi Party also known as the 'Pink Swastika Party' WWII 

Here ya go CNN : At least post both sides of the debate..It's called fair and balanced...!



How can you ever trust anything the liberal media says?
Check it out:
As my colleague, senior editor-at-large Joel Pollak pointed out, Friday afternoon, CNN made a huge deal of Israel rejecting a “cease-fire deal” based on CNN’s made-up premise that there was some sort of a deal.
Pollak writes quite correctly that “there was no deal, but a mere proposal” and “there was no indication Hamas would agree to the terms.”
This deal CNN speaks of never existed. CNN is making it up because CNN knows that inaccurately reporting news of Israel walking away from a “deal” will make Israel look unreasonable and villainous. 

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