
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Evidence Suggests Obama, Clinton Conspiring with Islamists to Engineer Coup

Liberals in the media make mountains out of mole hills when it comes to Republicans, but hide the elephant in the room when it comes to Democrats.

Pitch forks and torches are in the streets, corrupt activists in the courts, foreigners invading America demanding handouts, Islamic terrorists running rampant, and the Inquisition witch hunts in Congress.  Welcome to the next four years of radical leftwing terrorism to stifle the Trump presidency.  This is Obama’s Black Flag Army of agitators and bureaucrats assaulting the American people to defy their will and install a socialist dictatorship.
Democrats are engulfed in their hysteria of Trump Derangement Syndrome and have become enraged at the people who voted them out of power.  Obama’s weakening of America and empowering of the Jihad has made the world and the nation so unstable that he believes he can engineer a coup to overthrow the Republicans.  The problem for the nation is that half the GOP is willing to ally with him to oust Trump and the TEA Party.
Caesar, beware the Ides of March!  GOP Establishment turns on Trump

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