
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Black Racist Trump Haters Calling for White Genocide

Imagine what would happen if a conservative organization went public with a cry for black genocide? What if they warned white people that dating or associating with black Americans was wrong and would not be tolerated?

What if those declarations were made at a public event in front of hundreds of people?
Every black activist would be screaming racism and hate crime. Every liberal Democrat would be calling for legal action based on racial discrimination, hate language and inciting public violence. The liberal mainstream media would be all over it like flies on a pile of dead fish. Everyone would be in a huge uproar.
Yet when a black American says the same things about white people, it’s not considered wrong. It’s not racist. It’s not a hate crime. The liberal mainstream media would be in full support.

Welcome to today’s America. It’s ironic that the same liberals who would promote the rights of black Americans to call for the genocide of all whites are the same ones who preach ‘social justice’, when in fact they only want preferential treatment and privileges for the far left over normal conservative Americans.
In today’s America, it’s perfectly acceptable to blaspheme against God, Jesus, the Bible and Christianity, but dare say anything against Islam and you’re instantly labeled to be a hater, a racist, a bigot and an

Islamophobe. You can say anything you want against traditional marriage and abstinence, but dare anything against homosexuality, including how God says it’s a sin in the Bible, and you’re once again labeled a hater, a racist and a homophobe.
Teachers can stand up in front of a classroom of kids and trash talk God, Jesus, Christianity, America, patriotism, traditional moral values, parental rights, white history and anything else that helped shape America and made it great and nothing happens to them. Let one teacher even suggest evolution is questionable and they are reassigned or fired. Let a teacher say anything against Islam, black history or gay rights and wow, the proverbial manure hits the fan.

An entire classroom can complain about a teacher speaking out against many of the good things in America and nothing happens to the teacher, but let one student complain about a teacher promoting the good things about America and American history and again, everything hits the fan.
So, what should be done when black activist leaders stand up and threaten other blacks if they date a white person? What should happen if black activist leaders call for the complete genocide of white people?
In a report from the Toronto Sun:
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