
Friday, July 4, 2014

Media Star Exposes Obama’s Deadliest Move Yet

Obama only cares about getting more government dependents.

The establishment media’s refusal to acknowledge that once-contained or eradicated diseases are re-entering the U.S. through the latest flood of illegal aliens isn’t a surprise to Michael Savage, who earned a doctorate in epidemiology at the University of California at Berkeley before becoming a top nationally syndicated talk-radio host.
“What the liberal media is hiding from you can be dangerous for your safety, your security and your health,” he told his listeners.
After earning his doctorate in 1978 and writing six books, Savage pitched to publishers a book titled “Immigrants and Epidemics,” which he wrote with the dean of a “prestigious public health university.”
“Although all my previous books had done well,” Savage recalled, “all publishers in New York City in 1982 said we cannot publish a book on immigrants and epidemics, no matter how well (documented) or factually true it is. We can’t publish it for political reasons.”
The rejection angered him, he said, and was one of the reasons he eventually decided to go into talk radio, in 1994.
Since then, he said, “I’ve been trying to warn Americans about what unscreened immigrants will be bringing into America.”
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