
Friday, September 27, 2013

Senator Harry Reid...Do as I say not as I do...I am above y'all...!

Got Your Back
Senator Harry Reid is a hypocrit, fraud, crook, mental midget with one big ego...he needs to be removed from the Senate and put out to pasture...Harry if Obamacare is so great how about you your Congressional cohorts and the whole damn Obama administration give up your Federal Medical benefits and accept that which you are shoving down the throats of Middle the way revisit the US Constitution and Bill of Rights....hello Congress can pass no Laws that exempt Congress from Laws placed on the entire country..! You Mr. Reid ~so called Mormon Elder are a religious fraud akin to your boss Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama or whatever his real name do you sleep at night after lying 24/7 in the Senate hearings and on the boob tube...your family must be really proud of feed them well out of the trough of Middle Class American working stiffs all across the country!~ They suffer while your bank account prospers...God will judge you soon..after all you are in the end times of your Golden Years...sleep on that!

Check out this E-mail Wonderful Harry sent out to Nevadans...what a joke and so self serving as I say not as I do...!

September 26, 2013

Dear Fellow Nevadan:
Starting on October 1, you can visit Nevada Health Link to compare your options and enroll in a health insurance plan. Coverage begins as soon as January 1, 2014, and open enrollment ends on March 31, 2014. 
Click here or on the video below to view Senator Reid’s video message on the start of open enrollment. 

My office will be hosting events throughout the state during open enrollment. For more information, please visit You can also visit, or en Español,
U.S. Senator for Nevada  
[Side Note I suggest all to flood Harry's phone and Fax shut this Moron down!]

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