Oped: A must read, the transcript of a Rush Limbaugh show...it's a long read but worth taking the time!
RUSH: Here's Mike Lee. I'm gonna get started on this. Mike Lee on the Senate floor today, said this is just the beginning of all this.
LEE: This is about this town, and it's about the American people and what they deserve, what they demand, what they expect, and what they have a right to, which is the right to live free of undue interference from their national government. This vote is not the end. It's not even the beginning of the end. This is simply the end of the beginning. Washington may appear to have the upper hand at this moment, but it's essential that we remember that the American people will always have the final word.
RUSH: Folks, let me ask you a question. I want you to think about this as we go to the break. It has been asserted by some in the conservative movement media that Ted Cruz is running a really mean scam on you, just a trick. He knows that what he's advocating isn't possible. He's just setting you up. Do you feel tricked? Do any of you feel like you're being scammed by what Cruz and Mike Lee are doing?
I want you to think about that.
I'm serious.
RUSH: Yeah, the theory is that Ted Cruz knows that this defunding of Obamacare isn't gonna happen, never was gonna happen, and you're just being tricked and used, and you're gonna be sad and let down and enraged when you find that out.
RUSH: Okay, so let's just review something here. Dingy Harry, the Senate majority leader, is forcing a vote on a bill that includes a provision that defunds Obamacare. Oh, yes. You didn't know this? That's exactly right. Dingy Harry is forcing a vote on a bill that includes a provision that defunds Obamacare. This provision will be removed as soon as the bill is passed. The only reason Dingy Harry is doing this is so some senators can claim that they voted to defund Obamacare. And yet they want to tell us that it's Ted Cruz who is scamming us. Yep. Ted Cruz is the scam artist. Ted Cruz is lying to you. Ted Cruz is misleading you. Ted Cruz is using you.
It's all just a game, don't you know. You're being told to support something that doesn't have a prayer. And Cruz, so goes the theory, knows it doesn't have a prayer. But he's misleading you. He's tricking you. He's trying to get you to sign petitions and call Washington and all that for something he knows that isn't gonna happen. And so the question I have for you is, do you feel tricked? Do you feel Cruz is using you to either up his profile or raise money down the line? 'Cause he's not doing that. He sent an e-mail blast out late yesterday afternoon about this, and there was not a request for money in there.
When's the last time that happened to you, by the way? You got some sort of e-mail from an elected official about some issue that there was not a request for money? When does that ever happen? But Cruz sent one of those out. So he's not been asking for money. But do you feel tricked? Do you feel like you've been roped into supporting something and calling your senator or congressman over something that isn't gonna happen, that doesn't stand a prayer of happening? And when it doesn't happen, are you going to be sad and depressed and really mad, enraged? Are you going to feel used? Are you gonna be further soured and turned off to conservatism?
Read the complete Transcript: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2013/09/27/do_you_feel_used_and_abused_by_cruz_or_do_you_know_the_senate_is_scamming_you
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