Quran 8:12, I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks...
Quran 47:4, Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.
Sura 8:13: When thy Lord revealed to the angels, saying, 'I am with you; so make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Smite them above their necks, and smite off all finger-tips.
I heard about this horror while I was speaking in Toronto. It's consistent with attacks on soldiers, policemen, and first responders. Thanks to my Canadian readers who sent the link.
Police "have no motive." Well, how can you have a motive if you pretend the motive doesn't exist?
"Man charged with murder after allegedly stabbing firefighter in the head 'without provocation' at Toronto cafe" National Post, September 18, 2013
An off-duty firefighter has died after being stabbed in the head "without provocation" several times at a Danforth café early Saturday morning, Toronto police said.
Dominic Parker, 45, died from his wounds in hospital after he was attacked at 1:18 a.m. at Rotana Café in the Danforth and Coxwell Avenues area. Mr. Parker was taken to St. Michael's Hospital around 2 a.m., and died from severe head wounds shortly after midnight Sunday. Police have charged a 23-year-old man with first-degree murder.
"The family is completely devastated to have their husband and father completely ripped out of their lives so violently and so fast," said Jay Michaels, the media representative of Mr. Parker's family.
Mr. Parker had been married for 23 years to his high school sweetheart and has two daughters, 18 and 19, both of whom are in their first year at Concordia University in Montreal.
The family is completely devastated to have their husband and father completely ripped out of their lives so violentlyAside from being a firefighter in Markham, Mr. Parker also worked as a freelance set designer and had just finished shooting a Christmas commercial Friday night around 8 p.m., said Mr. Michaels. He and two friends from the production crew decided to have a couple of beers at a nearby bar and after several hours they parted ways. Mr. Parker went to pick up his bike, which he had parked on Danforth Avenue.
He decided to stop by Rotana Café first, where he knows the owner. It was while sitting on a couch sipping tea that Mr. Parker was stabbed repeatedly in the head by a stranger.
"Police are calling it a completely random act of violence," Mr. Michaels said.
It's unclear how
many times Mr. Parker was stabbed but his most serious injury was a
knife wound that went through the back of his head and through his
brain, Mr. Michaels said.
Police are calling it a completely random act of violence
Doctors surgically removed part of Mr. Parker's skull to relieve some pressure but his wounds proved too grave.
Nabil Hurhuy, 23,
was arrested in Scarborough Saturday afternoon and charged with
first-degree murder, two counts of carrying a concealed weapon and one
count of carrying a dangerous weapon.
At the age of 40,
Mr. Parker decided to fulfill his life-long dream of becoming a
firefighter and signed up with the Markham Fire and Emergency Services.
"It just shows
what kind of guy he was," Mr. Michaels said. "He was a guy that was
doing something every day that would make him smile."
He traveled often with his wife, a travel agent, and two daughters.
The Markham fire
department is taking the lead for funeral arrangements, which will be
held Friday at Markham community church The Bridge. A memorial service
will be held at the Balmy Beach Club.
"One thing they
do have is the outpouring of support from the Markham fire department
and the film community," said Mr. Michaels of the family's condition.
"They haven't been without a hug since this happened."
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