by Shorty Dawkins
John McCain recently wrote a piece for the Russian newspaper Pravda.ru, which was, ostensibly, in response to a piece written by Vladimir Putin in the New York Times.
Please, spend the time to read them both. Whereas President Putin’s
piece was a rational, statesman-like argument for his position, Senator
McCain’s piece was merely a personal attack on Putin. It was personal
and hypocritical to the highest degree. It was truly a case of the pot
calling the kettle black.
John McCain says in his opinion piece: “I
believe you should live according to the dictates of your conscience,
not your government. I believe you deserve the opportunity to improve
your lives in an economy that is built to last and benefits the many,
not just the powerful few. You should be governed by a rule of law that
is clear, consistently and impartially enforced and just. I make that
claim because I believe the Russian people, no less than Americans, are
endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness.”
Really, John? You believe in inalienable
rights? If so, why have you voted to legislate the Rights delineated in
the Bill of Rights? You voted for the NDAA bill that deprives us of due
process, all at the whim of the President. Yet you say you believe in
inalienable rights. You have supported the NSA spying on our
communications. Inalienable rights, John?
You say you believe you should live by
the dictates of your conscience, not the government, yet you call Edward
Snowden a traitor for doing just that.
You say: “I believe you deserve the
opportunity to improve your lives in an economy that is built to last
and benefits the many, not just the powerful few.” John, didn’t you vote
for the Bank bailouts, that benefited the bankers and left the bill for
the American public to pay? And don’t you support the concept of the
Petrodollar, a fiat money supporting scheme engineered by Henry
Kissinger during the Nixon Administration? And isn’t the petrodollar the
reason for the invasions of Iraq, Libya, and, if you have your way,
Syria? Have you voted to eliminate the Federal Reserve System, the
foundation of the fiat money scheme? No? Yet you claim to believe in an
economy built to last. John, you are being hypocritical. All fiat money
schemes eventually collapse. They cannot last. They are houses of cards,
or, more correctly, Ponzi schemes.
What of the Rule of Law you claim to
believe in, that should be equally applied to all? Have any bankers,
from the too big to fail banks, that have admittedly laundered hundreds
of billions of dollars in drug money been brought to justice? No, they
are fined a pittance of their profits. No jail time for your banker
friends. Didn’t you vote for the bailouts of the banks, AIG , General
Motors and Chrysler?
You say in your opinion piece: “A Russian
citizen could not publish a testament like the one I just offered.
President Putin and his associates do not believe in these values. They
don’t respect your dignity or accept your authority over them. They
punish dissent and imprison opponents. They rig your elections. They
control your media. They harass, threaten, and banish organizations that
defend your right to self-governance. To perpetuate their power they
foster rampant corruption in your courts and your economy and terrorize
and even assassinate journalists who try to expose their corruption.”
Isn’t this a clear case of the pot
calling the kettle black? It is certainly true of Russia, though
slightly less so than in the days of the Soviet Union, but your own
response to Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and the Wikileaks
disclosures prove you are on the side of corruption, John. When you
support the surveillance of our communications, are you respecting us,
John? You complain of the Russian controlled media but our mainstream
media is tightly controlled by a few oligarchs, similar to Russia.
When I read your opinion piece, Senator
McCain, I am reminded of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew, his
Vice-President. Richard Nixon, of course, is famous for declaring “I am
not a crook” shortly before he resigned the Presidency in disgrace.
Spiro Agnew, who pontificated often about “Law and Order” resigned from
the Vice-Presidency amid allegations of bribery and extortion, and
admitted to tax evasion. You pontificate about inalienable rights, the
rule of law, and a sound economy, yet you would deny all these to the
American public. You, sir, are a hypocrite of the highest order, and an
enemy of the Constitution. It is time for you to resign.
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