by: Wayne Dupree
In a stunning change of events, the Reince Preibus and the RNC has publicly backed Texas Senator Ted Cruz in his filibuster attempt to stop the funding of Obamacare, which is highly unfavorable among the American public. This is huge news to the Republican Party because most Americans have demonized the RNC for not accepting and embracing the Tea Party. Can you get any bigger than this?
Reince Priebus sent out this letter to internal employees of the RNC and here it is:
SUBJECT: I stand with Ted
In a fight between Harry Reid and Ted Cruz, I will stand with Ted Cruz any day.
Today, Senator Cruz has taken the fight to defund ObamaCare to the Senate floor. I hope you will join me in standing with him in solidarity.
As Republicans, we must remain true to our principles and fight to protect the American people from this reckless law.
55% of Americans disapprove of the manner in which ObamaCare is being implemented, yet Harry Reid and Senate Democrats continue to defend it, even at the expense of keeping the government running.
Harry Reid may think ObamaCare “has been wonderful for America.” But the facts are on our side – ObamaCare is costing Americans higher taxes, fewer jobs, and less access to care.
Join me and stand with Ted today. Sign our pledge and tell Harry Reid to defund ObamaCare immediately!
- Reince Priebus
Now this internal piece of information doesn’t give total support to Cruz entire strategy, however it establishes a willing commitment embrace Cruz’s attempt to protect the American people from ObamaCare. Senator Mitch McConnell and Senator John Cornyn have already stated that they were going to support the funding of ObamaCare so it seems the GOP could be fighting within itself on this one.
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