A former British Marine armed with his own personal handgun moved in and out of the mall leading many to safety....the question becomes would he have done so if he were not armed?...the answer is probably no.
Perhaps being armed played a important roll in the calculus of his decision to reenter the mall time after time and crediting him with saving the lives of many!
The UK needs to rethink it's gun rights laws as well as the United States fighting even harder to maintain our 2nd amendment rights which are currently under attack by the Obama administration!

This Marine hero risked his own life to make sure that hundreds of parents,children and others would not suffer the loss of loved ones...he serves as a example to the rest of us as well as adhering to our 2nd Amendment Right to self protection!
I tip my hat and salute the Man, who can't be named for security reasons...!
A former British Marine is being hailed as "the Mall Massacre Hero " for
his willingness to risk his own life guiding victims of the weekend’s
attack in Nairobi, Kenya out of danger. The British man was armed with
his personal handgun and moved in and out of the mall many times, each
time leading new victims to safety.
His heroism in the face of danger is commendable, but his willingness to risk his own safety for the others begs certain questions – like would he have been willing to do this if he was not himself armed? Perhaps. However, being armed must have played an important part in the calculus of his decision to reenter the danger zone time after time.
Read more at http://eaglerising.com/1935/mall-massacre-hero-proves-gun-rights-need/#8rZmGkajWWSMpyr5.99
His heroism in the face of danger is commendable, but his willingness to risk his own safety for the others begs certain questions – like would he have been willing to do this if he was not himself armed? Perhaps. However, being armed must have played an important part in the calculus of his decision to reenter the danger zone time after time.
Read more at http://eaglerising.com/1935/mall-massacre-hero-proves-gun-rights-need/#8rZmGkajWWSMpyr5.99
A former British Marine is being hailed as "the Mall Massacre Hero " for
his willingness to risk his own life guiding victims of the weekend’s
attack in Nairobi, Kenya out of danger. The British man was armed with
his personal handgun and moved in and out of the mall many times, each
time leading new victims to safety.
His heroism in the face of danger is commendable, but his willingness to risk his own safety for the others begs certain questions – like would he have been willing to do this if he was not himself armed? Perhaps. However, being armed must have played an important part in the calculus of his decision to reenter the danger zone time after time.
morning of the shooting, the mall massacre hero was sitting in a mall
coffee shop enjoying a beverage with some friends. When the shooting
began, he escorted his friends from the building, but the brave acts he
will be remembered for happened next. The man returned into the besieged
building at least a dozen times rescuing somewhere around 100 people.
Each reentry into the mall-turned-combat-zone was more dangerous than
the previous, as more and more people were led out of harm’s way.
Read more at http://eaglerising.com/1935/mall-massacre-hero-proves-gun-rights-need/#8rZmGkajWWSMpyr5.99
His heroism in the face of danger is commendable, but his willingness to risk his own safety for the others begs certain questions – like would he have been willing to do this if he was not himself armed? Perhaps. However, being armed must have played an important part in the calculus of his decision to reenter the danger zone time after time.

Read more at http://eaglerising.com/1935/mall-massacre-hero-proves-gun-rights-need/#8rZmGkajWWSMpyr5.99
A former British Marine is being hailed as "the Mall Massacre Hero " for
his willingness to risk his own life guiding victims of the weekend’s
attack in Nairobi, Kenya out of danger. The British man was armed with
his personal handgun and moved in and out of the mall many times, each
time leading new victims to safety.
His heroism in the face of danger is
Read more at http://eaglerising.com/1935/mall-massacre-hero-proves-gun-rights-need/#8rZmGkajWWSMpyr5.99
His heroism in the face of danger is
Read more at http://eaglerising.com/1935/mall-massacre-hero-proves-gun-rights-need/#8rZmGkajWWSMpyr5.99
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