
Monday, April 8, 2013

"No Taxes on our Guns" Allen West Petition

Allen West UPDATE: “I’m urging you to add your name to the “No Taxes on our Guns” petition right away”

by allenwestrepublic
I wanted to give you a quick update on the gun tax legislation in the U.S. Senate this week.
While some senators continue to push for a compromise on the background checks required in Harry Reid's legislation, Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio — who have already pledged to filibuster the legislation when it reaches the floor — have added nine more conservatives to their ranks. Today, these 14 brave senators sent a letter to Harry Reid voicing their opposition to a bill that "would infringe on the American people's constitutional right to bear arms, or on their ability to exercise this right without being subjected to government surveillance."
Time is running out. We the People must stand up for our Second Amendment rights immediately. That's why I'm urging you to add your name to the "No Taxes on our Guns" petition right away.
After signing the petition, please make a donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to the Guardian Fund to help us elect 12 more hard-charging conservatives like the 13 U.S. senators fighting against this unconstitutional legislation.
Allen West

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