While Obama and his syndicate continue to gut the USA economically, openly steal from and continue to subjugate we US citizens, send millions and even billions of taxpayer dollars to the real terrorists (the Muslim Brotherhood and its myriad evil spawns) and remove US citizens’ freedoms while giving more freedoms to jihadists and illegal aliens, Obama continues to work diligently to terrorize America and its people with one manufactured crisis after another.
Remember, chaos is still the tyrant’s best friend and keeps people watching the illusory ‘bright shiny thing’ while the real-and-far-worse thing is being implemented by Obama and his criminal buddies. Realistically, in order to buy into all of the continuing-to-be-manufactured false and/or manipulated crises one’s disbelief must be suspended far beyond this realm of existence. In other words, you have to be a complete lunatic to actually buy into the refuse Obama is spreading in front of you.
Obama, his entrenched cabal and his collaborators are veritably drunk with their fortified wine of power.
Briefly…very briefly as there is way too much to cover in one column…here are some of the major lowlights Obama has brought to our shores since he usurped the Office of POTUS Obama:
1. Immediately issued his first Executive Order to permanently seal and remove from public inspection all of his personal data including—but not necessarily limited to—his birth records, educational records and passport records
2. Appointed childhood friend Timothy Geithner to the position of Secretary of the Treasury and immediately began looting said treasury (our treasury); including sending billions to overseas banks, countries unfriendly to the USA and ObamaBuddies wherever they were
3. Instructed DHS to issue documents calling Christians, soldiers returning from war and conservative Constitutionalists terrorists and deleted any references to the real Islamic terrorists from US government documents. Note: Obama has continued this practice and recently had his wholly-owned SPLC issue a “report” stating that US Patriot Groups are the domestic terrorists. There is, again, no mention of Islam as being terrorists…although its members continue to enact the greatest number of terrorist incidents in the world
Read More: http://canadafreepress.com/
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