Dear Patriot,
Within hours of our hard-hitting TV ad going up on the air in West Virginia, anti-gun Democrat Joe Manchin issued a video response confirming everything you and I have been saying about him.
Senator Joe Manchin’s angry and hastily put together response below proves one critical thing. Our TV ad barrage is working and it’s critical we expand this program NOW!
See for yourself . . .

As I told you yesterday, to make their RADICAL assaults on our Second Amendment rights seem "harmless," the gun-grabbers needed someone who can push their gun grabs while pretending to be "pro-gun."
Senator Joe Manchin is serving as President Obama’s anti-gun ringleader while parading around with his NRA "A-rating" on his sleeve.
But even after coming out for the Feinstein Gun Ban weeks ago, Senator Manchin still tries to pretend he’s pro-Second Amendment!
Of course, what he’s not telling you is his Senate office is rounding up votes and support for the gun-grabbers’ RADICAL assaults on our Second Amendment freedoms, including:
With these "background check" forms, President Obama and his pals can register, track and trace every firearm in America.
State-level officials have been caught red-handed in recent years using these forms to do exactly that.
Do you really trust President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder enough to hand them every tool they need to create a national gun registry?
One longtime Congressional insider informed me the ATF is already running around to gun shops nationwide and wholesale copying forms dealers are required to keep on hand!
These forms combined with new federal regulations "encouraging" doctors to ask about firearms ownership and enter the information in the "ObamaCare" medical records database ARE being used to create a national gun registry right now!
"ObamaCare," once again, will be the vehicle for building the gun-grabbers' National No Gun Registry, and they'll use virtually any excuse they can conjure up to put as many Americans as possible on the list.
Have you ever served in the military or experienced a traumatic family situation like a death in the family?
If you're prescribed anything at all -- or even if you complain of stress to the wrong person -- that could be enough for you to lose your Second Amendment rights.
Former Surgeon General Steven Galson estimated that 46.4% of Americans experience some sort of mental illness during their lives!
To the gun-grabbers, disarming half of America for life with a simple mental health database within a year or two's time sounds like a dream come true!
Patriot, what has Senator Manchin and his anti-gun pals so angry is that you and I are exposing the TRUTH about their radical anti-gun schemes.
They thought they would get away with their lies and poll-tested slogans. They thought they had it made.
But if you and I continue to fight back with everything we have, you and I can keep the gun-grabbers on the run!
If you and I are going to win this fight, I need to massively expand our TV ad barrage into other states throughout the country before it’s too late.
My staff is working feverishly to cut new ads.
But I must be able to count on your support to be able to place them and keep them on the air.
The fight in Washington, D.C. over our gun rights is heating up.
The National Association for Gun Rights is leading the fight against the gun-grabbers.
But we’re at a critical point in this battle, and you and I must double-down at all costs!
For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
P.S. Senator Joe Manchin’s angry and hastily put together response to our TV ad campaign proves one critical thing. Our TV ad barrage is working and it’s critical we expand this program NOW!
What has Senator Manchin and his anti-gun pals so angry is that you and I are exposing the TRUTH about their radical anti-gun schemes.
If you and I continue to fight back with everything we have, you and I can keep the gun-grabbers on the run!
Please agree to your most generous contribution of $35, $20 or at least $10 TODAY to help the National Association for Gun Rights cut new ads and keep them on the air!
National Association for Gun Rights is a
nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization
dedicated to preserving and protecting the
Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms
through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public
opposition to anti-gun legislation. The
National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box
7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be
contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570.
Its web address is www.NationalGunRights.org/
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