Is Ted Cruz the new Joe McCarthy?
If you have been listening to the political left or the mainstream media, you would sure think so. They are trying to discredit Senator Cruz by drawing parallels between the two men, suggesting that Ted Cruz makes demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, and publically attacks the character or patriotism of his political opponents. They are implying that Ted Cruz operates in a manner that is less than honest and fair. As you and I know, nothing could be farther from the truth. Senator Cruz is living up to the commitments that he made in the campaign and truly represents 'We the People'. The left is orchestrating these attacks in an attempt to silence Senator Cruz and stop him from speaking out against Obama's big-government, progressive agenda. We cannot let Senator Cruz stand in Washington alone! It can be trying and difficult to go against the grain of the Washington, D.C. insiders, and we must let Ted know that we support and appreciate the tough job he is doing. Earlier this week, we started our "Stand With Ted Cruz" campaign and you have responded tremendously. We have already had over 15,000 Tea Party supporters sign our letter telling Senator Ted Cruz that we are proud of the job he is doing standing up to President Obama and the liberals in Congress. Can you imagine his face when we walk into his office with boxes of letters of support?! If you haven't signed the petition yet, please do so. Although Senator Cruz is serving admirably, he is only human and such warm letters of support will surely help to inspire him in his principled fight against 'business as usual" in Washington, D.C. Let's keep them coming! Since taking office last month, Senator Ted Cruz has been attacked and smeared by both the mainstream media, the Hollywood elite and even some in the Republican establishment for standing up for the conservative values that are important to us.
Our strength is in our numbers, so please forward this email to all your family and friends that support Cruz.
Cruz has joined Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, and other tea party
leaders in steering the GOP back to a party of fiscal conservatism and
opportunity. However, the battle is not over. We must look to 2014 to
take back the Senate and send more Tea Party leaders like Cruz to
Washington. Please join Tea Party Express in supporting true Tea Party
candidates in the House and Senate elections by contributing today HERE.
If you are not able to make a financial contribution, please take 2 minutes to sign our letter of support for Ted Cruz.
We here at the Tea Party Express are guided by our motto "Restore Liberty - Honor the Constitution" and 6 basic principles:
o No more bailouts o Reduce the size and intrusiveness of government o Stop raising our taxes o Repeal Obamacare o Cease out-of-control spending o Bring back American prosperity If you agree with us and want to help further these principles and preserve America's greatness, please help by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more. |

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