oped: and where pray tell is Governor Rick Perry on this issue...he needs to speak up NOW!

One student in a Texas high school is taking legal action after she said she was reprimanded for not participating in a class recitation of the Mexican pledge of allegiance and national anthem.
Fifteen-year-old Brenda Brindson’s suit, filed by the Thomas More Law Center, contends that administrators violated her constitutional rights by forcing her to salute a foreign nation’s flag.
While the same school district has a written policy against coercing students to recite either the American pledge of allegiance or the U.S. Declaration of Independence, somehow verbally expressing loyalty to another nation is compulsory.
Richard Thompson, president of the TMLC, said this incident is indicative of “a sad trend in public schools across our nation to undermine American patriotism,” though he said he finds it “encouraging to see students like Brenda stand up for America despite pressure from school officials.”
Such pressure reportedly included Brindson’s teacher issuing her a failing grade on the assignment and forcing her to listen to a wave of schoolmates pledge allegiance to Mexico.
According to her lawsuit, Brindson even tried to compromise with her teacher, requesting to instead salute the American flag and recite its pledge in Spanish.
The student, fluent in Spanish and the daughter of a Mexican immigrant, is a proud American and contends that pledging loyalty to any other nation is unacceptable.
She gets no argument from me.
Click here to get B. Christopher Agee’s latest book for less than $5! Like his Facebook page for engaging, relevant conservative content daily.

One student in a Texas high school is taking legal action after she said she was reprimanded for not participating in a class recitation of the Mexican pledge of allegiance and national anthem.
Fifteen-year-old Brenda Brindson’s suit, filed by the Thomas More Law Center, contends that administrators violated her constitutional rights by forcing her to salute a foreign nation’s flag.
While the same school district has a written policy against coercing students to recite either the American pledge of allegiance or the U.S. Declaration of Independence, somehow verbally expressing loyalty to another nation is compulsory.
Richard Thompson, president of the TMLC, said this incident is indicative of “a sad trend in public schools across our nation to undermine American patriotism,” though he said he finds it “encouraging to see students like Brenda stand up for America despite pressure from school officials.”
Such pressure reportedly included Brindson’s teacher issuing her a failing grade on the assignment and forcing her to listen to a wave of schoolmates pledge allegiance to Mexico.
According to her lawsuit, Brindson even tried to compromise with her teacher, requesting to instead salute the American flag and recite its pledge in Spanish.
The student, fluent in Spanish and the daughter of a Mexican immigrant, is a proud American and contends that pledging loyalty to any other nation is unacceptable.
She gets no argument from me.
Click here to get B. Christopher Agee’s latest book for less than $5! Like his Facebook page for engaging, relevant conservative content daily.
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