oped: Good luck with that Barry Obama...being that ya claim to be a Constitutional Attorney and all...uuhh there is a catch 22... one needs to take a amendment to the Constitution to the states ...it takes 37 states and a 2/3rds vote to amend the Constitution...by the way Barry why are ya so all hot to trot on Gay Marriage...ya planning on divorcing Michelle when your POTUS term expires? Gonna marry your ex body guard are ya?..cue> http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2013/02/obamaville-song.html

President Barack Obama may be poised to show new support for gay marriage as a deadline approaches for his administration to take a stand in the U.S. Supreme Court on a California ban on same-sex nuptials.
A month after urging legal equality for gays in his inauguration speech, Obama could use the high court case as an occasion to call for same-sex marriage rights nationwide.
An administration filing last week, in a separate Supreme Court case involving a law that limits federal benefits for same-sex couples, may have foreshadowed a call to overturn California’s ban under Proposition 8. In arguing against the federal law, Obama’s lawyers said gays have endured a history of discrimination and now should be afforded special protection under the Constitution, much like racial minorities and women.
“The undisputed 20th-century discrimination has lasted long enough,” wrote U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, the president’s top Supreme Court lawyer.
“The undisputed 20th-century discrimination has lasted long enough,” wrote U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, the president’s top Supreme Court lawyer.
Verrilli said laws barring same-sex marriage were evidence of discrimination. He pointed to the passage of Proposition 8 as an indication that gays lack the political clout to ensure equality on their own.
Proposition 8, approved by voters in 2008, reversed a decision by the California Supreme Court that the state constitution guaranteed the right to gay marriage. A federal appeals court struck down the ballot initiative last year. A court stay has kept gay marriage banned during the appeals.
The administration must file any brief opposing the California ban by Feb. 28. It also might take a more incremental approach, urging the court to reinstate same-sex marriage in California without affecting the 40 other states that prohibit the practice. And Obama has the option not to get involved in the case at all. Gay-rights activists say they’re optimistic the president will take their side, at least to some degree.
Read more: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/obama-gay-marriage-constitutional/2013/02/26/id/491985

President Barack Obama may be poised to show new support for gay marriage as a deadline approaches for his administration to take a stand in the U.S. Supreme Court on a California ban on same-sex nuptials.
A month after urging legal equality for gays in his inauguration speech, Obama could use the high court case as an occasion to call for same-sex marriage rights nationwide.
An administration filing last week, in a separate Supreme Court case involving a law that limits federal benefits for same-sex couples, may have foreshadowed a call to overturn California’s ban under Proposition 8. In arguing against the federal law, Obama’s lawyers said gays have endured a history of discrimination and now should be afforded special protection under the Constitution, much like racial minorities and women.
“The undisputed 20th-century discrimination has lasted long enough,” wrote U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, the president’s top Supreme Court lawyer.
“The undisputed 20th-century discrimination has lasted long enough,” wrote U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, the president’s top Supreme Court lawyer.
Verrilli said laws barring same-sex marriage were evidence of discrimination. He pointed to the passage of Proposition 8 as an indication that gays lack the political clout to ensure equality on their own.
Proposition 8, approved by voters in 2008, reversed a decision by the California Supreme Court that the state constitution guaranteed the right to gay marriage. A federal appeals court struck down the ballot initiative last year. A court stay has kept gay marriage banned during the appeals.
The administration must file any brief opposing the California ban by Feb. 28. It also might take a more incremental approach, urging the court to reinstate same-sex marriage in California without affecting the 40 other states that prohibit the practice. And Obama has the option not to get involved in the case at all. Gay-rights activists say they’re optimistic the president will take their side, at least to some degree.
Read more: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/obama-gay-marriage-constitutional/2013/02/26/id/491985
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