The Left routinely ascribes absolute moral authority to grieving victims in furtherance of their political agenda. Their agitprop is often manipulative and exploitive, but it works. Appeals to facts and reason aren’t enough anymore; persuading the public increasingly requires emotional appeals. Even if they find it inherently unpalatable, conservatives must promote people whose personal stories offer counter-narratives to liberals’ tragic parade of victimhood. Katie highlighted one such case earlier this week, and now The Blaze has another. This open letter is a must-read — not only for the case it lays out, but because of its author’s personal history (click through for the full, unedited missive):
Mr. President, As a student who was shot and wounded during the Columbine massacre, I have a few thoughts on the current gun debate. In regards to your gun control initiatives:
Ban on Military-Style Assault Weapons
The evidence is very clear pertaining to the inadequacies of the assault weapons ban. It had little to no effect when it was in place from 1994 until 2004. It was during this time that I personally witnessed two fellow students murder twelve of my classmates and one teacher. The assault weapons ban did not deter these two murderers, nor did the other thirty-something laws that they broke. Gun ownership is at an all time high. And although tragedies like Columbine and Newtown are exploited by ideologues and special-interest lobbying groups, crime is at an all time low. The people have spoken. Gun store shelves have been emptied. Gun shows are breaking attendance records. Gun manufacturers are sold out and back ordered. Shortages on ammo and firearms are countrywide. The American people have spoken and are telling you that our Second Amendment shall not be infringed.
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