
Joining a growing number of the nation’s law enforcement officials refusing to partake in unconstitutional actions ordered by the federal government, the sheriff of Linn County, Ore., sent a preemptive letter to Vice President Joe Biden stating he is prepared to refuse to enforce federal regulations “offending the constitutional rights of [Linn County] citizens.”
According to his letter to Biden, Sheriff Tim Mueller will also prohibit his department’s “enforcement of any unconstitutional regulations or orders by federal officers” within his jurisdiction.
Several states have passed laws preventing local law enforcement officers from enforcing unconstitutional laws such as federal gun-control laws including Utah, South Dakota, Tennessee, Idaho and others. Recently Kentucky and Wyoming introduced similar legislation.
The Constitutional County Sheriff’s Association is in the process of publishing a list of the Constitutional County Sheriffs in individuals states who have taken an oath to seriously refuse to enforce laws that violate the Constitution such as gun laws being proposed by President Barack Obama and members of both houses of the U.S. Congress, according to Keith Broaders, the administrator for the CCSA, on Monday.
Every Sheriff is required by law to take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. This is not just a suggestion, it is the duty of the Sheriff to enforce just laws and refuse to enforce laws that are not, according to Broaders.
For example, Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio told a local radio host the federal government is “going to have problem” if they expect him to confiscate guns from private citizens.
“I took [multiple] oaths of office, and they all say I will defend the Constitution of the United States,” Arpaio told Mike Broomhead of KFYI Radio in Phoenix.
“Now if they’re going to tell the sheriff that he’s going to go around picking up guns from everybody, they’re going to have a problem. I may not enforce that federal law,” Arpaio said according to World Net Daily.
“How can a County Sheriff honor his oath if he needs to obtain permission from the Supreme Court? The ultimate arbiter of the meaning of the Constitution is ‘We the People’ and the duly elected County Sheriff is elected by the people to represent the will of his constituents,” Broader added.
“As a County Sheriff you can serve only one master. Are you going to keep your oath and serve the people, or are you going to be the enforcer of unjust Federal rules, regulations, codes, ordinances and statutes?” said the CCSA founder.
“I want to know if you [as a law enforcement executive] plan to be a servant of the people or an administrative lap dog for the Federal agencies and bureaucrats?”
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Tell Congress to OPPOSE federal gun-control legislation! Sign the Petition.
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