
Monday, March 6, 2017

Loretta Lynch Promotes Violence and It’s Happening [MUST WATCH!]

By Joe Scudder 
Senate Democrats posted a video in which Loretta Lynch promotes violence to Facebook because she speaks “words of inspiration.”
Naturally, Loretta Lynch promotes violence by pretending her followers are threatened with violence and she is calling for martyrdom. 

The Facebook page of the Senate Democrats posted the video, writing, “If you need to hear some words of inspiration tonight, take a moment for our friend, former Attorney General, Loretta E. Lynch”
That was Tuesday. Saturday, we got to witness the inspired actions in Berkeley, California. Reuters reports,
Supporters of Donald Trump clashed with counter-protesters at a rally in the famously left-leaning city of Berkeley, California, on a day of mostly peaceful gatherings in support of the U.S. president across the country.
At a park in Berkeley, across the bay from San Francisco, protesters from both sides struck one another over the head with wooden sticks and Trump supporters fired pepper spray as police in riot gear stood at a distance.
Some in the pro-Trump crowd, holding American flags, faced off against black-clad opponents. An elderly Trump supporter was struck in the head and kicked on the ground.
Like most media stories, this tries to portray the Trump rally participants as just as bloodthirsty as the anti-Trump protesters. But if you listen closely, you will hear that the Trump supporters were outnumbered, perhaps three to one. Also, while one person favoring Trump wore a gas mask, a whole faction of anti-Trumpers came wearing facemasks to help them get away with illegal assaults.

Additionally, this blackmail artist was speaking for the anti-Trump rioters, and she has admitted her strategy is to create mayhem to coerce authorities to disallow pro-Trump events. You see her at about 1:04:

Loretta Lynch’s call for martyrs to march, and bleed, and die was a cover fantasy. The alterative media is right to report it as a call for bloodshed and death. “March” means riot and assault.
Loretta Lynch, of course, is the Attorney General who had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton while Hillary was under investigation. The media insisted on believing her statement that all they talked about was their grandchildren. Also WND reported on Lynch with a reminder of her work on behalf of a corrupt establishment. It is a point that needs to be remembered:

Lesser known about Lynch’s history is that she was the prosecutor assigned to the biggest bank scandal in history – the probe of HSBC’s involvement in money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels lodged in 2012 and a scandal revealed first in WND, long before she was nominated for the post of attorney general.
While large fines were levied against the biggest bank in the world, no officials were charged or prosecuted by Lynch. While the subject was raised in Senate confirmation hearings, 10 Republicans approved her nomination — Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Mark Kirk, Rob Portman, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell.
This is precisely the establishment corruption that Donald Trump campaigned against and promised to get rid of. When a President tries to drain the swamp the swamp fights back.

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