A group of activists and bloggers are calling for protests across the nation for the impeachment and conviction of Barack Obama. The event is declared “National Impeach Obama Week” and starts on August 23rd. The website address is:
The protests will include events on freeway overpasses and street protests as well as protests at the offices/town-halls of congressmen and in front of Government buildings. The organizers believe that Obama should be removed from office for many reasons, only a few of which are provided here.
Government by dictatorial fiat with lawless executive orders targeting Amnesty for illegal aliens, Obamacare, gun regulation, etc.
● Encouraging massive numbers of illegal aliens to enter the US–because he has stopped enforcing the immigration laws
● Waging illegal wars without the constitutionally-required approval from Congress
● The assassination of three American citizens without due process via drone bombings
● Blatant lying to the American people about the Benghazi attack, Obamacare, etc.
Funding Al Qaeda and other Jihadist terrorists in Syria and elsewhere
● Gun smuggling to Mexican drug cartels
● Using the Internal Revenue Service as a political weapon against his political enemies
● Frequent bizarre and erratic behavior, which is a disturbing sign of psychological pathology
● Providing shoddily forged identification documents as proof that he is eligible for office
● Constitutional ineligibility for the office that he holds, since he is clearly not a Natural Born Citizen as the Constitution requires
● Overall subversive, anti-American background, which has been confirmed by his actions in office
National Impeach Obama Week is organized by unpaid volunteers. Contributions are not requested. It is a truly leaderless, grassroots protest. Because they are volunteers, the participants are unfettered by the repressive regulations of the IRS.
All groups, individual organizers, and American citizens are invited to join in this national protest. Another protest is being planned for just before the mid-term elections.
The current endorsers are:
Give Us Liberty
Impeach Obama Now Coalition
Impeach Obama Rallies of Jacksonville, Florida
One Nation Under Fraud
Stand for Liberty
Tea Party Patriots of Brookhaven
Ventura County Tea Party
Roger Ogden is an activist in San Diego, California, who has been organizing anti-Obama protests since the Tax Day protests of 2009.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism – Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
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