Hollywood actor James Woods is no stranger to getting venomous hate messages from the progressive Left. After all, their typical response to those with whom they disagree politically is to go on the attack with personal degradation and insults. While Woods has thick skin and typically mocks his attackers, yesterday he decided to try a different tactic Thursday on Twitter.

James Woods ✔ @RealJamesWoods Follow
Time for action: I am going to RT every
liberal, hateful numbskull and ask EVERY one of my followers to let them
PERSONALLY know how we feel
I decided to RT the venomous posts of my liberal followers today. I was stunned by the unending stream of mindless bile. #haters
@RealJamesWoods GOP’s demented “Benghazi!” disease: Why conservatives so desperately need a scandal http://www.salon.com/2014/05/05/gops_benghazi_addiction_why_conservatives_so_desperately_need_a_scandal/ … via @Salon #gop
Another genius... Calls Benghazi a "disease of the GOP." How is it possible these people can function in the real world?
@RealJamesWoods Are you blaming your crap career on Barack and Hillary? You fucking suck. And you're ugly. And you're fucking over.
@RealJamesWoods You are a fucking clown car driver.How can you love America but trash the Office of the Presidency?Oh,and you suck at acting
@RealJamesWoods You are a fucking clown car driver.How can you love America but trash the Office of the Presidency?Oh,and you suck at acting
@progvoicedaily The only person trashing the "Office of the Presidency" is Barack Hussein Obama.

I am often criticized for airing my views.
I feel, however, that this administration is so dangerous, I have no
moral choice but to speak.
@RealJamesWoods That would be fine if you weren't batshit crazy.

@brokerwritergrl I don't have an assistant. Though the concept is no doubt foreign to you, I work for a living and handle my own affairs.
I'm not even Jewish and I'm being assaulted by anti-Semites. They are emerging from the primordial ooze. Stop the Jew Haters!
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