The left’s infatuation with the anointed, made-for-primetime president, Barack Obama, has largely fizzled-out. Though there remains mindless stalwarts and Obamamaniacs, the world has largely recovered from the Obamamania of 2008 and 2009 that saw countless liberal zombies decked-out in “Hope” tee-shirts and adorning their walls with pictures of the left’s messiah.
Still, however, there remains remnants
of these sheep who see Barack Obama as a symbol of hope and change and
not as the failed president he has become.
Daily Beast’s Jonathon Alter is precisely the kind of useful idiot upon
which the Obama regime counts to spread their carefully-crafted
many companies are fleeing the U.S.’s punitive-oriented taxation system
that is predicated upon penalizing the rich, most would seek to solve
this problem by applying Occam’s Razor: they would conclude that if the
“eat the rich” mantra of the left is creating corporate refugees, the
simplest solution would be to address the crushing taxation.
Instead, the left has begun a campaign
to try and shame corporations who defect. Alter even goes so far as to
claim that corporations should have to sign loyalty oaths which pledge
allegiance to Obama’s “economic patriotism.”
On top of all the wars and global
messiness, 2014 will be remembered for the plague of “corporate
inversion,” which the news media should start routinely calling
“corporate desertion.” So far, 47 American-based companies have
renounced U.S. citizenship and bought foreign subsidiaries in order to
dodge American taxes. Many more are preparing to flee…
oaths and pledges are a little creepy, this effort needs something
else—something that comes out of the legal and business worlds: a
contract. More specifically, an NDA.
Non-disclosure agreements are common
in corporate America, where tens of thousands of senior managers and
employees sign contracts promising to keep all sorts of information
confidential. It’s often a condition of employment.
it’s time to change the “D” and expect the same from boards of
directors—a “non-desertion agreement” with the John Hancock of every
board member and CEO in the United States.
boards thought for even a second about the long-term interests of their
companies, they would summon their lawyers and sign. It’s protection
against the risks of resurgent nationalism that could strip them of the
many advantages (indirect government subsidies, easy access to American
markets) that they currently enjoy.
Companies that fail to sign non-desertion agreements would face the kind
of public shaming that has gone out of fashion but could come back with
a vengeance: boycotts, petitions, angry shareholder meetings full of
the language of patriotism.
Now, to be clear, I am as patriotic as
they come. I love buying products made in America and I firmly believe
that this is the greatest nation on Earth. However, can we really blame
companies that flee the hostile environment created by the most
undeniably anti-commerce administration in American history?
a time when China is on the upswing because of pro-capitalist changes
and at a time when even Cuba is starting to loosen their control on
government-run commerce, our nation is stagnating as government vultures
are seeing the consequences of decades of robbing Peter to pay Paul.
I’ll tell you the story ends: if you rob Peter to pay Paul, eventually Peter has enough and leaves.
Should companies be forced to stay in America? Take the Official Tea Party Poll. Click HERE!
Should companies be forced to stay in America? Take the Official Tea Party Poll. Click HERE!
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