by John Myers
“We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order — a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful — and we will be — we have a real chance at this new world order…” — George H.W. Bush in his Jan. 16, 1991, address to the Nation announcing allied military action in the Persian Gulf
Twenty-three years ago, President George H.W. Bush spoke of his vision for a new world order (NWO). It was heady times to be the President of the United States. It took only a few months for Bush to soundly defeat Saddam Hussein’s military and drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait. At the same time, the Soviet Union was collapsing. And in 1989, the Berlin Wall had fallen, as scores of Soviet satellite nations were breaking away from the Kremlin. China was moving away from being a closed-off military power, with the country focusing its sights on growing its economy and its manufacturing.
The “peace dividend” was at hand for Bush, who presumed that the United Nations would help build a world utopia ruled by a benevolent government.
More than two decades later, the NWO remains a fearful contemplation, but one best left for futuristic novels. While many people still sell NWO conspiracy theories in detail (except for their lack of evidence), societies are fracturing at the regional, national and international levels.
Now, halfway through 2014, a sandstorm is blowing out of the Mideast and in Central Europe as tribal, political and religious hatreds boil over into mayhem far beyond the control of a centralized world government.
Along the Gaza Strip, the hatred has spilled so far that diplomacy has become pointless, allowing atrocities by Jews and Arabs to fall toward new lows — each time committed by the ideology of their world order, not a NWO.
Ukraine, the starting point for wars in the past century, is erupting in civil war today, threatening to pull in old foes like the Western powers and Russia into a conventional and eventually a nuclear confrontation.
New World Order Hardly New
I started work with an investment newsletter 35 years ago. I was just a kid two years out of college, and my professional experience was mostly limited to writing about purebred cattle. I was hardly able to muster a sentence when my father — who, to my good fortune, believed in nepotism — hired me on as a researcher.I spent that first year reading every newsletter that came in the mail, and there were dozens of them. I remember back in 1980 the anti-Trilateralists were in full swing. It was said that the Trilateralists were members of rich industrialists of the 20th century such as the Rockefellers. The-sky-is-falling newsletters said that the Trilateralists’ goal was to take over the world — in other words, one world government.
Each day, I read how the Trilateralists — this cabal of evil men in the United States, Japan and Western Europe — would soon take over the world. This secret organization was all hush-hush, of course; so it was common sense that none of those newsletter publishers could provide details as to who these players were and what their plan was, except to stir up fear of a world government conquest and along the way sell a lot of subscriptions. But the villains were never named, nor were the specifics of their terrible plot other than to say it was the work of world leaders, industrialists and Jews.
I remember wondering how Jimmy Carter, one of the least effective Presidents in U.S. history and a man who checked on the pencil inventory at the White House could be a key member of a camarilla to take over the world. When I asked such a question of “believers,” they would say that Carter was simply an unwilling pawn in it all. It seemed like they wanted me to believe in mind control; and I found that hard to do when, after all, Carter had earlier been a brilliant nuclear submarine scientist.
While anti-Trilateralists could always spin such argument out of whole cloth, they could never detail any facts or provide evidence to back up there theories. It seemed UFO hunters had as much corroboration as the anti-Trilateralists had of single world government conspiracy.
A decade later, I had risen to publisher on my own right. Serious newsletters were writing about the economy, energy, technology and the markets. Few, if any, anti-Trilateralist newsletters were still in publication.
Then a new conspiracy — a money-maker for some publishers — was spawned by the naïve and utopian comments of George H.W. Bush and other world leaders: There is a new world order arriving.
Yet any concept of the arrival of a NWO in government or in banking does not explain what we have today: tribal wars, religious wars and resource wars. Instead, we are living in a rather old world order; and the evidence of it cannot be suppressed, much less blamed on some super-secret secular junta.
Potential For World War III Growing In Central Europe
I would not be surprised to see a shooting war sparked in Central Europe in the next 18 months. World War I was ignited there when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated a century ago. Twenty years later, Ukraine was rich in resources and living space, the kind Adolph Hitler coveted as Lebensraum for his Germanic people.Seven decades after Hitler’s defeat, the sort of ultra-national racists who were essential for him are aligning along the borders of Russia and Ukraine. There is a strong potential this regional civil war will draw in Russia and the United States.
Yet that is hardly the extent of the hatred spreading around the world, a hatred that makes the U.N. more of a joke than an instrument of peace.
Islamic State Sending Chills Through World Capitals
The Mideast, the depository for two-thirds of the world’s oil reserves and the last of the world’s cheap oil, is a cauldron of petroleum set to be ignited by a religious war.Attorney General Eric Holder underlined this when he described the threat posed by the Islamic State group as “more frightening than anything I think I’ve seen as attorney general.”
Holder expressed his fears because 7,000 people from more than 70 nations, including the U.S., have answered the Islamic State group’s call to arms and have received training in Iraq and Syria. Their ultimate goal is to control all of greater Arabia and reverse European and multinational imperialism, which they feel has enslaved Syria and Iraq. Their ultimate ambitions can be expected to include Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other rich oil producers of the region. The group (aka ISIS or ISIL) is a self-sustaining army, the likes of which has not been seen since Hitler’s Wehrmacht rolled first West and then across Europe and into North Africa.
On Aug. 1, Belfast Telegraph ran this headline: “Isis winning its war on two fronts: conquering Sunni regions of Iraq and consolidating their hold on north-eastern Syria.”
The Telegraph reported:
"There is no sign that Isis is running out of steam in either the Syrian or Iraqi parts of the caliphate declared by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on 29 June. In both countries its fighting force is growing in numbers and effectiveness, if not in popularity."
By capturing huge oil and gas wells and selling them on the black market for a third of the benchmark price, the Islamic State group is a self-sustaining army. There can be little doubt its primary targets are the stupendously rich oil fields of Saudi Arabia, which has been Washington’s most steadfast ally in curbing Islamic violence and curbing oil prices.
Yet Saudi royals must accept a great deal of responsibility for the Islamic State group, which was spawned from the ultra-Islamic sect of Wahhabism — the most extreme form of Islam. The Wahhabis don’t want to be part of a new world order. They want complete global domination and adoption of Islam throughout the world.
So dominant has the Islamic State group become that it is even spreading its firebrand beliefs from India to Europe and perhaps soon to the United States.
In the July 29 story “ISIS spread makes Europe a ‘tinder box,’” RT interviewed William Engdahl, an award-winning geopolitical analyst:
"RT: The group says it’s looking for new recruits. Why do you think it would look for them in Europe, and do you think they will succeed?
WE: I think they are succeeding. The fastest growing religious groups in Germany are jihadists or salafist Islamic organizations that are recruiting young people not even of Turkish or Arabic origins. They are recruiting young German kids who are disaffected, have no goal in life, unemployed or facing a bleak future, and they are being recruited to believe in something, to believe in “dying for Allah”, and that is pretty sick way to live in my view."
It doesn’t sound like the new world order Bush spoke of. Nor does it sound like global order presided over by the U.N. General Assembly, which has been voiceless in recent months. Rather, it reads like world chaos, complete and total disorder, with separatists and nationalists killing those who stand in their way.
We are not living in the age of a brave new world or a new world order. We live in an age when America must elect better leaders to prevent such forces of extremism from destroying the peace and our way of life.
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