oped: and who pray tell plays these games?...uuuuh oh wait #Obama 's "If I had a son he would be" Trayvon/Brown !!!! Need I really say more?
Right now, the Ferguson riots are national news, and there has been no shortage of commentators offering their solutions and opinions about the underlying problems that led to the chaos there. Is it a racial problem, or is it an issue having to do with the militarization of police? I’d say both play a part.
The militarization of police has led to an “us vs. them” mentality between civilians and police. The police often act as if we’re the bad guys, and they have to arm themselves and carry themselves like bullies with badges. They try to look scary and intimidating, which makes us act more defensive against them. Arguments with police often turn to fights, which leads to people getting maimed or killed. And those incidents only fuel the flames.
There are problems on both sides that need to be dealt with. There’s certainly a problem on the black civilian side when they respond the way they do when they believe a grave injustice has been done to one of their own. All they’re doing is making the problem worse for themselves, and they’re making the police’s case against them sound reasonable.
If the black community wants to detach itself from racial stereotypes, especially those involving riots and looting, they should work on not rioting and looting even when there is an injustice.
And they can also stop playing this knockout game. Recently, in New York, a 33-year-old knocked out a pregnant woman just for the heck of it. Here’s the New York Post:
A pregnant woman was sucker-punched
in the back of the head Thursday afternoon — and may be the latest
victim of the creepy “knockout game,” law enforcement sources said.
Jannatul Ferdous, a 34-year-old
Brooklyn resident who is six months pregnant, was walking down a
sidewalk in Bedford-Stuyvesant alongside her sister when Willie
Stephens, 33, allegedly sneaked up behind her and socked her in the head
around 3:45 p.m. Thursday, sources said.
Ferdous was knocked unconscious during the sudden attack, but neither she nor her child was critically injured.
Ferdous’ sister immediately called
the cops and gave them a description of the attacker, who fled. Officers
found Stephens three blocks away and arrested him. The alleged
assailant, who does not have a criminal record, was charged with
Cops believe the attack could be
connected to the “knockout game,” in which criminals try to punch their
victims unconscious with a single blow. The attack appeared to be random
and officers believe Stephens did not know his victim, sources said.
Ferdous was taken to Woodhull Medical Center in Brooklyn.
I am very much in favor of having a colorblind society. But when
things like this happen, it makes it almost impossible to achieve.
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