oped: Uhhhhh no that would be you Barry Barack...you are the epitome of 'Stranger Danger' who the hell are you anywhoo...? Release your original LFBC if one exists not the counterfeit one ya released...your passport records,your Social Security records,your draft card records,your school records from Occidential,Columbia and Harvard...prove you are who you claim to be!
Also in my best Lt John Kerry ...Secretary of State voice...you are definetly the new G~e~n~g~h~i~s ' K~h~a~n' of the New World Order... now known as ISIS or the New Islamic State...#PERIOD
Oh and 'Moderate' you say?...right!!! about as moderate as alQaeda,ISIS,ISIL and the LGBTQA Gay Mafia!
Political conservatives are the greatest threat to the nation, President Barack Obama suggested in a kid-glove interview with the New York Times.
“The president mused, the biggest threat to America — the only force that can really weaken us — is us,” said the interviewer, Thomas Friedman.
“Our politics are dysfunctional… societies don’t work if political factions take maximalist positions,” said Obama, who repeatedly claims to be a moderate stymied by the GOP’s supposed obstructionism and radicalism.
“And the more diverse the country is, the less it can afford to take maximalist positions,” Obama added.
That comment about diversity was likely a warning to conservatives, who are expected by many Democrats to lose power as the nation absorbs more foreigners who do not share conservatives’ small-government ideals.
“The president mused, the biggest threat to America — the only force that can really weaken us — is us,” said the interviewer, Thomas Friedman.
“Our politics are dysfunctional… societies don’t work if political factions take maximalist positions,” said Obama, who repeatedly claims to be a moderate stymied by the GOP’s supposed obstructionism and radicalism.
“And the more diverse the country is, the less it can afford to take maximalist positions,” Obama added.
That comment about diversity was likely a warning to conservatives, who are expected by many Democrats to lose power as the nation absorbs more foreigners who do not share conservatives’ small-government ideals.
“Increasingly politicians are rewarded
for taking the most extreme maximalist positions… and sooner or later,
that catches up with you,” Obama warned. *Indeed it will Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama...or whatever the hell your real name is! *
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/
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