oped: Gotta luvs Rick he calls it like most normal people call it...I will take it a step further...there is no homosexual gene...none has been found and none can prove a link...if you are born as a man or woman (all parts intact) you are what you are( The only exception would be the 'genetic' hermaphrodite having both sexes)...the psychological aspect comes into play...homosexuality is nothing more than sexual immaturity (ie:ultimate masturbation) and or a sexual fetish...nothing more and nothing less!
The LGBT and GLAAD movements have been on the proverbial pendulum swing...and the swing is at it's max...it will begin to swing the other way...both movements have pushed the issue way over the top demanding marriage rights as well as 'special laws' and treatment (for a 1-3% worldwide population) which far exceeds what the 97% remaining hetrosexual population is willing to accept!
All I can say to the LGBT and GLAAD movement is, be prepared to lose far more ground than you gained,when movements demand 'special treatment' they in the end begin to lose ground as the well has been drained dry! All the selected gay judges will lose their power and positions as they have gone against the law to promote their own personal agenda!
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) on Wednesday defended his state
party's recent embrace of "reparative therapy" for gays, saying that
homosexuality is a choice.
"Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular
lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that," Perry said at a business event in San Francisco.
"I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic,
but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue
the same way."
The Texas GOP last Saturday endorsed an official platform that includes support for gay conversion therapy, a theoretical practice not accepted by the American Psychological Association.
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