by: AllenWest
Not that this will be much of a surprise, but the Obamacare enrollment figures touted by the president this week are likely a load of hooey. But perhaps we should start with the definition of “enrollment” which is something completely different than completing the application or actually paying for coverage.
As reported by The Blaze and the UK Daily Mail, a secretive, unpublished study from the RAND Corporation suggest just 23 percent of enrollees had no previous insurance. Further, the study reveals just 53 percent of previously uninsured Americans have actually paid for their new plans. That would mean the actual net gain of paid policies among Americans who lacked medical insurance in the pre-Obamacare days would be just 858,298.
In addition to his claim of 7.1 million enrollments, Obama also announced that ‘three million young people’ under age 26 have gained coverage as add-ons to their parents’ policies and ‘millions more … gained access through Medicaid expansion,’ according to the Daily Mail’s report.
Those totals – young adults attached to their parents’ insurance and new taxpayer-funded Medicaid subscribers – far exceed the 7.1 million number the White House trumpeted on Tuesday.
The Daily Mail concludes, the Affordable Care Act carried with it the promise of covering ‘every American,’ and it appears to have fallen tremendously short
But as Rush Limbaugh pointed out on his show today, how ridiculous was it for the president to brag about enrollments for a program that is mandatory? Can you imagine a president crowing about how many tax returns have been received by April 15th? I suppose next we’ll see a Rose Garden rally where the president brags about how many trillions of dollars were collected from those greedy people who have jobs.
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