
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Former Top Democrat Says Obama is a Liar… The Media is Silent

Bob Kerrey, a former U.S. senator from Nebraska, said Wednesday he ...

Finally, we’re starting to see a few intellectually honest Democrats stand up and talk about just how bad Obama has been as president, calling him out for his lies on his health care law and his numerous scandals.
Bob Kerrey, a former US senator from Nebraska, ripped into the president in a recent interview, saying that he was a liar and a deceiver who was reelected because he deliberately misled the public.
The only reason he won, according to Kerrey, was because he “sucked less” than Mitt Romney.  Wow.  Not the type of thing you’d expect to hear from a longtime Democratic senator.

Via Dailymail UK:
‘He had to know he was misleading the audience,’ Kerrey said quietly, recalling the newly minted president’s countless promises as Congress and the public debated his signature health insurance overhaul.
‘On the other hand, he may have said it so many times,’ he added, ‘that the spell-checker wasn’t in the room – the spell-checker, the fact-checker – somebody who says, “Excuse me, Mr. President, but I hope you know this…”‘
Obama’s infamous four-Pinocchio pledges, Kerrey explained, never stood a chance of being fulfilled because there were ‘a million people out there with policies that, for one reason or another, run short of the minimum standard. I mean, they bought something cheaper!’

The White House understood the numbers, Kerrey said, and Republicans did a poor job of explaining the basics of the insurance industry to low-information voters.
Insurers, he said the GOP could have made clear, make money by ‘not paying claims,’ and by making sure that ’80 per cent of the people that are buying insurance don’t need it. … So I need young people to sign up. That’s what it’s all about.’
The worst lie Democrats told about Obamacare, Kerrey reasoned, ‘is not “If you want to keep your health care plan…” – the worst one is, “Everybody deserves high-quality, affordable health care.”‘
‘Excuse me? Uh, I don’t know if you’ve heard about the bell curve?’ he snarked.

‘If I’ve got 1,000 doctors, 100 are great, and 100 are not so good.’
He outlined the shape of a bell curve with his hands, and then threw them skyward.
‘It’s absolutely impossible,’ he said. 
‘And affordable? Forget about it.’
Boom.  This Democrat is exactly right.  Obama did lie his way into office, especially on Obamacare, and it led millions of Americans to believe that Obamacare wouldn’t affect their insurance.  Millions have now lost their health insurance, and it’s obvious that had they known this would happen, Obama would not have been reelected.  He has explicitly defrauded the American people.  Sickening.
Where is the American media reporting this?  Are they still desperately trying to protect Obama?  They’ve been complicit in his grand fraudulent scheme from the beginning, so we shouldn’t be surprised at their silence.

Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you agree with this former Democrat senator that Obama lied his way into office.  Help get this out there since the media won’t.
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