By Rebecca Shabad
Liz Cheney on Tuesday defended her father from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s criticism that he cheered on the CIA's use of harsh interrogation techniques blasted in a recent Senate report.
Cheney said Pelosi herself was briefed on the programs, and suggested her criticism of former Vice President Dick Cheney was hypocritical.
“We’ve got too many in Washington who were all in favor to doing everything necessary to defend the nation after 9/11 and now seem to be not interested in looking at the facts, but really just looking for a way, frankly, to cast blame and say things that aren’t true about those brave men and women,” Liz Cheney said Tuesday.
Pelosi (D-Calif.) in an interview on Sunday said former Vice President Cheney “set a tone and attitude” for the CIA.
Pelosi said the attitude over employing the harsh interrogation techniques came from Dick Cheney. “I think he’s proud of it,” she said.
She made the comments following a vote by the Senate Intelligence Committee to declassify a summary of a new report that reportedly found the CIA misled the government and public on its enhanced interrogation program.
At a recent event at American University, the former vice president defended the program that started during the George W. Bush administration.
“If I would have to do it all over again, I would,” Cheney said. “The results speak for themselves.”
Cheney on Tuesday defended her father from House Minority Leader Nancy
Pelosi’s criticism that he cheered on the CIA’s use of harsh
interrogation techniques blasted in a recent Senate report.
Cheney said Pelosi herself was briefed on the programs, and suggested her criticism of Vice President Dick Cheney was hypocritical.
Read more at http://minutemennews.com/2014/04/liz-cheney-pelosis-spine-doesnt-seem-reach-brain/#9ZZvEQZZqEsZ117U.99
Cheney said Pelosi herself was briefed on the programs, and suggested her criticism of Vice President Dick Cheney was hypocritical.
“Frankly, Mrs. Pelosi is somebody who was briefed on the program,”
Cheney said on Fox News’s “Fox and Friends.”“She forgot she was briefed
on the program, later to admit it,” Cheney said. “And I have to say that
when I heard those comments yesterday, I was reminded of something
that Margaret Thatcher once said about one of her political opponents.
Mrs. Pelosi’s problem is her spine doesn’t reach her brain.”“We’ve got
too many in Washington who were all in favor to doing everything
necessary to defend the nation after 9/11 and now seem to be not
interested in looking at the facts, but really just looking for a way,
frankly, to cast blame and say things that aren’t true about those brave
men and women,” Liz Cheney said Tuesday.
Read more: http://thehill.com/
Read more at http://minutemennews.com/2014/04/liz-cheney-pelosis-spine-doesnt-seem-reach-brain/#9ZZvEQZZqEsZ117U.99
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