by Bob Owens
A Durham, NC police officer filling out reports in his squad car
Thursday night was targeted for assassination in much the same way NYPD
officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were murdered in Brooklyn less
than a week before. Fortunately, officer J.T. West picked up movement in
his rear-view mirror and was able to bail out of this vehicle as one of
the thugs fired six shots, one of which struck the marked police
cruiser’s door on the driver’s side. It was another attempted
assassination of a police officer,
all but buried by the media.
Sunday night in Dade City, Florida, two Pasco County deputies sitting in separate squad cars
came under fire from a volley of shots. The officers never saw their attackers, but residents report seeing a small dark car with tinted windows leaving the area.
Also last night, in Los Angeles,
a pair of suspects opened fire on on an LAPD officer
as he sat in his cruiser. The officer was not hit and one of the
suspects, along with the rifle, was recovered at the scene. the other
suspect is considered armed and dangerous and on the lose.
The attacks are intensifying, and they are no accident. We are now
engaged in an emerging low-grade civil war, where people who hate the
United States of America and all that it stands for are attempting to
destroy the very fabric of our nation by targeting law enforcement
officers for isolation and execution.
It is their sincere belief—honed by domestic terrorists from the
1960s-early 1980s that have an inordinate amount of power in federal,
state, and local politics—that a nation stripped of effective local law
enforcement is a nation easy stripped of law and order… and perhaps more
easily “remade” under strict centralized control.
The Agitators

Most of us had never before heard of these self-described “social
justice warriors,” a term most of us first heard as agitators descended
upon Ferguson, Missouri in an attempt to turn strong-arm robbery suspect
and attempted cop-killer Michael Brown into a martyr and rallying
Let’s be perfectly clear: Michael Brown was a common violent
criminal, high out of his mind when he attacked Ferguson Police
Department officer Darren Wilson not once, but twice.
Three autopsies and a mountain of forensic evidence proved the “hands
up, don’t shoot” mantra to be an abject lie, but the mix of spoiled
middle-class progressives, black nationalists, jihadist recruiters,
Prius-driving university Marxists, La Raza separatists, professional
communists, community organizers, anarchists, race-baiting agitators,
and opportunistic common criminals simply don’t care about facts. They
care about creating and exploiting anger to attack capitalism and our
Constitution and wrest power and control for themselves.
Their narrative of continual oppression and serial injustice is far
more important than the truth that the United States was designed to be
the freest nation ever conceived. They only thinly hide their desire to
control and oppress others.
The lies, and the rage, and the false cries of oppression have
continued through the justified shooting deaths of Kajieme Powell (
who attacked St. Louis officers with a knife), Vonderitt Myers, Jr. (
who shot at a St. Louis police officer at least three times
before he killed in a hail of return fire), and most recently Antonio
Martin, the simpering idiot and repeat criminal who attempted to
assassinate a Berkeley, Missouri officer just days after the attack that
killed Ramos and Liu in Brooklyn, but who was too dumb to work the
safety on a Hi-Point pistol carried in the wrong hand.
This string of attempted, escalating, (and sometimes regrettably
successful) cop killings is a part of a low-intensity civil war on the
very fabric of our society.
The goal of these attacks is two-fold.
They intend to isolate officers and make them feel as if they are
under siege, putting them in a bunker mentality, severing them from the
communities they serve and protect. They hope to make some officers
quite and reduce the effectiveness of police forces so that they can
rage and riot without opposition, pushing ever closer to the revolution
against our government and way of life that that is their goal.
Quite frankly, this appears to be the explicit goal of
New York City
Mayor Bill de Blasio, who reportedly uttered a seething “f**k you,”
under his breath to the hundreds of officers who turned their backs to
him after his overt support of his fellow communists led to officers
Ramos and Liu being assassinated.
These toxins permeate Washington, DC as well. You’ll note that the
President Of the United States is bravely golfing his away across Hawaii
at the moment, having had his staffers issue a minimal statement about
the deaths of officers Ramos and Liu as he strayed on the green. The
White House has not a word about the attempted police assassinations
Mentored by communist domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and
Bernadine Dohrn, Obama no doubt feels quite pleased as his fellow
community organizers Sharpton and Farrakkan turn radicals to arms
against the police. The progressive Congressional Black Caucus has
likewise championed these radicals, while cravenly going silent once
their encouragement of violence spilled blood.
Likewise, out-going Attorney General Eric Holder, himself a racial
radical in his own right, has done much to fuel animosity towards local
law enforcement, and little to keep the peace.
Most of the media are likewise complicit, at every level. The
possibility of a revolution excites and invigorates them. Posters of Mao
and Che occupy the cubicles of reporters in far too many news rooms.
Their coverage lionizes criminals as martyrs, excuses unreasoning hate,
and portrays those seeking to recruit violent converts and destroy
communities as “activists,” telling you what you need to know about
their warped views and skewed allegiances.
The Americans
Against these agitators, tinpot despots, common criminals, university
radicals, attempted assassins, community organizers, propagandists, and
usurpers are you, the good and decent people of the United States who
still believe in our Constitution. While many of you believe that the
current government and political parties may be rotten and perhaps
irredeemable, you also believe that our core American values and beliefs
are worth defending against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
This is a Constitution worth defending.
As these radicals continue to target our law enforcement officers, keep in mind that they are targeting
your communities and
families by extension. They wish to break down everything than makes
the United States exceptional, in order to remake it as yet another pale
and fading state where the government rules subjects. They hope to
weaken law enforcement, in order to subjugate you.
If that is the life you desire, do nothing. Allow the agitators and
usurpers, the communists and racial nationalists and anarchists to pick
apart and rip through our unique national fabric.
If, my friends, you would like to preserve and restore liberty you must decide, today, what you will tolerate.
You must determine how much more you are going to tolerate as they attempt to destroy this nation from the inside.
You must determine what you are willing to sacrifice in order for your children and grandchildren to remain free.
I ask you to stand your ground, my proud fellow American citizens.
Keep your weapons oiled, your bores bright, and your magazines loaded.
Pledge to protect those who protect us.
We do not want war, but we will not surrender our liberty to rabble
who crave the chains of tyranny, or who dream of lording over free men.
Will you choose to be Sons of Liberty, or sons of Obama?