Have the Democrats suffered a break from reality?
bet you didn’t know this, but according to Barack Obama’s advocacy
team, they are fighting the NRA and other Second Amendment groups and winning.
Not since Charlie Sheen’s “Winning” tirades has that word been so misapplied.
Democrats have developed an interesting, and alarming, way to cope with
the continued sputtering of their national agenda. As Obamacare
continues to fail, President Obama and his cohorts repeatedly act as if nothing
is wrong with the preposterously unsustainable socialized medicine
overhaul and assure the American people that they want Obamacare.
November’s massive defeat where Republicans made tremendous gains on
the national and state levels, one would have expected President Obama
to humbly note that America’s message was heard loud and clear: stop
with the radical agenda.
he has doubled-down and even stirred the pot more by acting as a
dictator and unilaterally granting amnesty to millions of criminals.
Now, in what may be the most laughable
assertion of all, Organizing for Action (OFA), Barack Obama’s advocacy
team, has announced that in 2014, those seeking to undermine the Second
Amendment are winning their fight against freedom.
In a tweet, OFA shared an article entitled, “Going Head to Head with the Gun Lobby (and Winning).”
The included article notes:
The fight to reduce gun violence in this country is a long one. It’s one of the most frustrating, heartbreaking issues we work on.But 2014 brought reason to hope.In Washington state, OFA supporters and volunteers teamed up with partners on the ground to support a ballot initiative that would expand background checks for gun sales.And even though the NRA and other groups did what they always do—spend millions to defeat us—our side won.
the notoriously-liberal Washington State passed an unconstitutional
anti-gun law that is so unenforceable, to demonstrate this fact,
thousands of gun owners assembled at the capital to openly defy the law.
Secondly, it should be noted that
Washington State was all but abandoned by any serious money from the NRA
due to the fact that the bigger fish was defeating anti-Second
Amendment candidates nationwide; as such, gun control candidates fared
very poorly in the midterms.
To hammer this point home, Breitbart broke-down the races and explained how anti-gun candidates fared:
In Texas, NRA-endorsed gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott (R) won. In
Maryland, NRA-endorsed gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan (R) won. In
Alabama, NRA-endorsed Governor Robert J. Bentley (R) won. In Wisconsin,
NRA-endorsed Governor Scott Walker (R) won. In Michigan, NRA-endorsed
Governor Rick Snyder (R) won. In Nevada, NRA-endorsed Governor Brian
Sandoval (R) won. In Ohio, NRA-endorsed Governor John R. Kasich (R) won.
In Oklahoma, NRA-endorsed Governor Mary Fallin (R) won. In Wyoming,
NRA-endorsed Governor Matt Mead (R) won. In Idaho, NRA-endorsed Governor
Bruce Otter (R) won. In Kansas, NRA-endorsed Governor Sam Brownback (R)
won. And in Maine, NRA-endorsed Governor Paul R. LePage (R) won against
gun control candidate Michael Michaud (D). (On August 8, Breitbart News
reported that Michaud was supported by Gabby Giffords.)
In Senate races, gun control Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) was defeated by
NRA-endorsed Cory Gardner (R) and gun control Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC)
was defeated by NRA-endorsed Thom Tillis (R). In Kansas, NRA-endorsed
Senator Pat Roberts (R) won. In Georgia, NRA-endorsed Senatorial
candidate David Perdue (R) won. In Arkansas, NRA-endorsed Tom Cotton (R)
won. And in West Virginia, NRA-endorsed Shelley Moore Capito (R) won,
marking the first time that state has sent a Republican Senator to
Washington DC in over five decades
And how do the American people feel about these gun-grabbing crusades? The Pew Research Center revealed in 2014 that support for gun control has plummeted:
For the first time in more than two decades of Pew Research Center surveys, there is more support for gun rights than gun control. Currently, 52% say it is more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns, while 46% say it is more important to control gun ownership.Support for gun rights has edged up from earlier this year, and marks a substantial shift in attitudes since shortly after the Newtown school shootings, which occurred two years ago this Sunday.
And how many federal gun control laws were created in 2014 and 2013? Zero. Zilch. None. Nada.
One would think that if the
gun-grabbers were “winning,” the NRA wouldn’t have the bankroll of
millions of active members and the federal government could have
squeezed out a meager federal gun control statute.
from failures in state governments, failures in national government,
failures on the campaign trail for anti-gun candidates and an overall
rejection of gun control amongst the American population, yeah, the gun
control crusaders are doing great…
oped: And so Mr. Gun what say you?
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