
Monday, December 29, 2014

ISIS Plans Mass Genocide — 500 Million People Need To Die

Evidently ISIS plans to wipe out all of us, starting with those in the Middle East, those of other religions, all atheists, and those who don’t subscribe to their particular brand of Islam.
At least that’s what a German reporter claims. He was permitted to be embedded in the Islamic State for 10 fun-filled days. Well, that must have been more fun than a barrel of severed heads.
According to 74-year-old reporter Jurgen Todenhofer, ISIS is deadly serious and truly believes they can actually win the fight against the infidels. Todenhofer told ABC News that “The IS fighters are much smarter and more dangerous than our leaders believe. In the Islam State, there is an almost palpable enthusiasm and confidence of victory, which I have not seen in many war zones.” He added: “They are extremely brutal. I’m talking about the strategy of religious cleansing. They are talking about 500 million people who have to die.”
And why wouldn’t they be extremely confident, knowing that Western politicians lack the courage and will to do what is truly necessary to stop them.
Continues on GodfatherPolitics

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