Patriots were once revered. Today, love for ideology has replaced patriotism. The Tea Party was founded in the spirit of the original tea party in Boston when “rabble rousers” dumped chests of tea into Boston Harbor. They protested a penny tax on tea when laborers sometimes made a few cents per day. We fought the French and Indian War as British citizens and Parliament spent a considerable amount on the conflict and needed to be repaid. Since most people drank tea, it was logical to raise a small tax on it to pay for the war. Like now, the people didn’t like paying higher taxes. The Revolution let us gain our freedom from England so we could become the greatest nation in the world.
Democrats are vicious attackers of today’s patriots. The Tea Party was founded to oppose Obamacare, higher taxes, and the expansion of the government. We have seen what nationalized health care in other countries has produced. There are long medical waiting times, reduction in care, and other costly problems. Obamacare is proving to be worse than predicted even though pre-existing conditions, something that would bankrupt many insurance companies, are being covered. If 5 million pre-existing medical conditions cost an average of $300,000 a year to cover, that would be a $15 trillion expense by 2023.
Elderly mothers who lost their brothers during WW II and their sons in Vietnam and still love America would agree that they pay too much in taxes. They also receive too little in Social Security payments because the system was not privatized a little to help the economy grow more. They paid into Medicare and expect it to be there when they need it. But since Obama transferred around $710 billion in Medicare funding to Obamacare and doctors are dropping out of the system (since the government isn’t paying them in full), the elderly mother who lost important men in her life is being punished by the government, even though she is a patriot.
When I hear Democrats say that Obamacare is the law, I hear “Dixie” because Democrats used to support slavery when it was the law of the land. The Republican Party was founded to oppose slavery since the Whigs weren’t doing enough to abolish it. Republicans fought the Civil War and gave blacks their civil rights in the Constitution. But Democrats in the South didn’t want to treat former property as equals. That is one reason why they stole civil rights from blacks (and it took decades for them to get their rights back.) Every time the Voting Rights Act is renewed (though according to the Constitution, the states aren’t allowed to abridge the rights of anyone to vote), it’s as if a scab is ripped from a wound that is healing. A bill that was paid over 130 years ago is being repaid every few years. We can thank Democrats in part for the suffering every time. Blacks who escape the Democrat plantation are being attacked by Democrats, even though they are patriots who care more for America than Liberal ideology. I have seen blacks in Tea Party gatherings who aren’t tokens (like what Democrats often treat blacks as.) Democrats are saying “forget about the lynchings our grandparents committed against blacks. Forget that pets were often treated better than blacks were.” The desire Democrats have to make people forget their ugly past convinces me that the donkey symbol for the party should be replaced by a wandering Alzheimer’s patient.
Do you support lower taxes because it would allow Americans to keep more of their money? Democrats would accuse you of being a Tea Party member. Do you think it’s wrong to pay much higher premiums for health care insurance because it is forced to cover too many conditions? Then you must be like Ted Cruz, who also opposes what a generation ago would also be opposed by most Americans. Do you think balancing your household budget makes so much sense that Washington should do the same thing? To Liberals, you are almost evil incarnate.
Patriots love America and want the best for it. They believe in fair play, justice for all, an American lifestyle that allows them to live a comfortable life until the day they die, high standards, and a moral society that doesn’t consider God a swear word. But Democrat leaders declare patriots as enemies of the state. That would include the elderly woman who proudly salutes the flag, sings the National Anthem when it is played, says “God bless you” to veterans who come her way, goes to church every Sunday to be nearer God, and complains when Washington wastes the money she sends to the government. To Democrats, such people should at least change with the times. Germans tried that when Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power. But that change brought the destruction of Germany.
Patriotism is being treated like a mental disorder, and Democrats want to commit a societal lobotomy to remove that portion of our brain. The removal of traditional patriotism from our minds is more than terrible. The soul of Americans will also be removed, which will allow this nation to be added to the list of empires and nations that have disintegrated. If Democrats get their way, patriotism that made America great will be exterminated as if it were a disease instead of a sustaining force for America.
Photo credit: terrellaftermath
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