President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony marking the return to the United States of the remains of the four Americans killed in Benghazi, Libya, in September 2012.
by Ben Crystal
It’s official, kids. President Barack Obama lied to the American people about the events surrounding the al-Qaida-planned and led attack on the compound in Benghazi; notably the murders of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glenn Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods.
Actually, everyone outside the Moveon.org mailing list already knew. But now, it is super-duper-double-secret official. And, despite the fact that they’ve probably endangered their spot on the White House Ramadan Card list, the people who have finally kicked in the door Obama has tried mightily to keep locked are none other than the former employers of disgraced ex-anchor Dan Rather: CBS News.
On Sunday night, “60 Minutes” aired an interview conducted by Lara Logan – no stranger to the violence of which inadequately contained Islamofascists are capable – with unqualified experts on the events of that fateful night. Deputy Ambassador to Libya Greg Hicks, whose Congressional testimony on Benghazi knocked a few bricks out of the Obama Administration’s wall of silence a few months back, brought his sledgehammer out of retirement for the sit-down. According to Hicks, not only was the then-Hillary Clinton-led State Department well aware of the worsening situation in Libya, they had been specifically apprised of the amplification of al-Qaida ululating in area. And not only did the State Department not move to increase security after Stevens specifically noted that “(T)he al-Qaida flag has been spotted several times flying over government buildings,” they ignored three requests for security assets.
If that alone doesn’t jolt you out of your reality-TV reverie, try this on for size: According to Lt. Col. Andy Wood, nearly everyone from the muezzins at the Benghazi mosques to Hillary Clinton’s yard guy knew that al-Qaida was coming. And Wood didn’t arrive at this conclusion through any in-depth intelligence gathering or Jason Bourne-like spycraft. Nope, all Wood had to do was log on to the Internet, where the terrorists had posted their plans.
Asked by Logan if he had passed his concerns on to Washington, Wood affirmed: “We included that in our reports to both State Department and DOD…” That means the Clinton “what difference does it make” narrative was dead and buried long before she dragged it into the Congressional hearing during which she blatantly lied.
We already knew Obama and his accomplices lied about virtually everything connected to the Benghazi massacre. The infamous “YouTube” excuse floated by Rice and pushed by hapless sock puppets like Chris Matthews barely staggered through a week before someone bothered to notice it was sillier than most of Matthews’ MSNBC yammering. In fact, the Democrats’ desperate attempts to muddy the waters with ridiculous whining about the manner in which Clinton was treated during her shocking displays of mendacity are proof in and of themselves of the con they tried to play.
The sad truth is that all the lies Obama and his accomplices have told us have bounced harmlessly off the iron-sided ignorance of the low-information liberal base. And the fact that Obama and Clinton lied through their teeth about literally EVERY aspect of Benghazi will have little to no effect on that same base. To them, partisanship comes before everything including – perhaps ESPECIALLY – life itself. Of COURSE they value Obama’s Presidency – not to mention Clinton’s Presidential aspirations – over the lives of Stevens, Doherty, Smith and Woods. These are people who proudly support Representative Wendy “Abortion Barbie” Davis (D-Kermit Gosnell’s abattoir).
They just don’t care. And they’re not likely to start now. After all, what’s four dead Americans, a cover-up which extends from the deserts of Libya to the White House and the brutal murder of whatever credibility Hillary Clinton had left in her purse when weighed against politics?
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