ALERT: Lawmakers support Constitutional amendment to force those in government to live under the law! Take Action and Blast Faxes to Congress!
American Conservative,
In Federalist Number 57, James Madison wrote that Congress "can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as on the great mass of the society."
As wise an idea as this was, Madison and the other Framers failed to expressly incorporate such a limit on government within the Constitution itself.
With lawmakers today passing laws while exempting themselves, their families, and their friends - think: Obamacare - it's clear that we need to codify the principle of Federalist No. 57 into law.
Like Madison, we believe that law applies to all of society -- not just certain parts -- and think it's high time to force those in government to live under the law, not their own "rules"!
It's time to end the double standards and the special privileges -- rally lawmakers now!
Take action and blast faxes to U.S. Representatives and Senators urging them to AMEND THE CONSTITUTION and FORCE GOVERNMENT TO LIVE UNDER ITS OWN RULES! We need a TWENTY-EIGHTH AMENDMENT!
** Sign the petition and message your U.S. Rep/Sens here.
A Twenty-Eighth Amendment
The good news is: several lawmakers in both houses of Congress are getting behind the idea of a twenty-eighth amendment.
Right now, Reps. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and Matt Salmon (R-AZ) are sponsoring a constitutional amendment that would prevent lawmakers from exempting themselves from their own legislation.
"Members of Congress are servants of the people, not a ruling class separate and distinct from the people," says Rep. DeSantis. "Congress cannot be allowed to impose burdens on the American people while relieving its own members of those burdens. A twenty-eighth amendment is needed to hold Congress accountable and to restore principles of proper constitutional government."
Rep. Salmon argues, "A government of the people, by the people, for the people should live under the same rules it passes for the people."
Senator Rand Paul agrees. Just last week he introduced S.J. Res. 25 "proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to applying laws equally to the citizens of the United States and the Federal Government."
This said, we need to tell every lawmaker to join in with Desantis, Salmon, and Paul and run with the idea of a Constitutional amendment to subject government to its own laws!
Take action and blast faxes to U.S. Representatives and Senators urging them to AMEND THE CONSTITUTION and FORCE GOVERNMENT TO LIVE UNDER ITS OWN RULES! We need a TWENTY-EIGHTH AMENDMENT!
** Sign the petition and message your U.S. Rep/Sens here.
It's Natural
It's only natural that the government should live under its own laws - such is the American Way.
Our founders based the Constitution upon natural law or "the law of Nature and Nature's God." Natural law says that there is one law to govern all, not one law for the People and a separate law for those in government.
Is this not still true today?
We need to rally our lawmakers to amend the Constitution to declare "Congress shall make no law" applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to those in government!
The Constitution was last amended in 1992 - let's see that it is amended again!
Take action and blast faxes to U.S. Representatives and Senators urging them to AMEND THE CONSTITUTION and FORCE GOVERNMENT TO LIVE UNDER ITS OWN RULES! We need a TWENTY-EIGHTH AMENDMENT!

For America,
Conservative Action Alerts
P.S. The government should be subject to the very laws it passes for the People. Sign the petition and send a no-cost letter to your lawmakers demanding a 28th Amendment to force the government to live under its own rules!
Take action and blast faxes to U.S. Representatives and Senators urging them to AMEND THE CONSTITUTION and FORCE GOVERNMENT TO LIVE UNDER ITS OWN RULES! We need a TWENTY-EIGHTH AMENDMENT!
Conservative Action Alerts (CAA) is a media outlet protected by the first amendment; no financial contribution to support our efforts is tax-deductible. Diener Consultants, Inc., 10940 S Parker Rd Ste# 763, PARKER, CO 80284-7440
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