via: Pamela Geller
Interfaith dialogue in action. And the jihadist in the White House is backing these savages.
"Syrian Child Raped and Brutalized by Jihad" Raymond Ibrahim (thanks to the Religion of Peace)
According to the “Largest Syrian Christian Group on Facebook,” the above is a picture of a young girl in Syria, before (L) and after (R) the U.S.-sponsored jihad reached her. The Arabic caption along with the picture reads: “Syrian child, tortured, raped, her face disfigured at the hands of the Saudis and others from among the psychos and criminals of the revolution.”In fact, as many as 95% of the “freedom-fighters” in Syria are foreign jihadis trying to carve out an emirate — as they always do — justified by fatwas permitting rape and other perversities in the name of jihad. Meanwhile, it is the average, indigenous Syrians, such as this child and countless others, who suffer in silence.
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