oped: Even the kids are fed up with the Obama's...past time to start Impeachment hearings!

Welcome to another round of the ‘government will control every aspect of your life’ show. This edition, just like all the prior editions since 2009, is being brought to you by the Obama’s, with a special assist from the liberal elite everywhere!
Did you know that Michelle Obama had recently come up with her version of a school lunch plan? Neither did I until a little bit ago. Actually, this should make us all wonder what exactly was wrong with the old or current school lunch plans? I’m sure we all remember back to our days in school and have a lot of memories of the cafeteria and the ‘famous’ school lunches we enjoyed!
Of course, not being one to leave well enough alone, Michelle Obama had get her hand stuck into this one. Maybe since her husband was so bust saving the world that he allowed her to try and fix something on her own. This new plan is officially called the ‘preferred lunch plan.’ She has determined what our kids should be eating in order to remain healthy.
Guess what? The kids absolutely hate her plan! A number of school districts across the country have already begun to drop the plan. Most of the school systems say the same thing: that their kids do not like the lunches and that many of them are going hungry. There were a number of foods that the students just simply would not purchase, plus it has been a bit of a nightmare for the schools to implement the plan. Not to mention expensive. In many districts, they even lost money.
Hmmm…a new program implemented by a liberal, designed to tell someone what is good for them and in ‘their’ best interests…and amazingly enough, it loses money! That sounds like it came right out of the Democratic party play book.
Even a medium sized school district would likely spend upwards of $100,000 to implement Michelle’s plan. Oh, by the way, not only is it osing money hand over fist, but it also shows a complete lack of understand about kids. For starters, these lunches are very small. They include sections like a “part” of a chicken patty and a very small piece of bread. Come on, Michelle, give the kids some real food! Just because you do not like meat is no reason to force the kids into becoming psuedo-vegetarians!
Bear in mind that these lunch plans cover students from elementary to high school. Obviously, the teenagers are going to complain when the portion sizes are incredibly tiny. So, the kids just simply refused to buy many things, and the district lost money…because they followed Michelle’s wonderful guidelines. Many students just decided it was better to bring their own lunches from home. I wonder if possibly that was her intention all along? Maybe the best way to get the students to eat healthy is by giving them what they do NOT want and will NOT pay for. How’s that for convaluted thinking, courtesy of our amazing first couple.
Get this, Michelle’s program would cost over $3.2 billion to implement across the country. Amazing. I guess it is a good thing that a number of districts have already been exposed to this as a test market of sorts. This whole thing really just illustrates the fallacy and luncy of the liberal thought process. They are, at their very core, just simply incompetent.
Nice try, Michelle, but no thanks, we can keep our own kids healthy, thank you very much!

Welcome to another round of the ‘government will control every aspect of your life’ show. This edition, just like all the prior editions since 2009, is being brought to you by the Obama’s, with a special assist from the liberal elite everywhere!
Did you know that Michelle Obama had recently come up with her version of a school lunch plan? Neither did I until a little bit ago. Actually, this should make us all wonder what exactly was wrong with the old or current school lunch plans? I’m sure we all remember back to our days in school and have a lot of memories of the cafeteria and the ‘famous’ school lunches we enjoyed!
Of course, not being one to leave well enough alone, Michelle Obama had get her hand stuck into this one. Maybe since her husband was so bust saving the world that he allowed her to try and fix something on her own. This new plan is officially called the ‘preferred lunch plan.’ She has determined what our kids should be eating in order to remain healthy.
Guess what? The kids absolutely hate her plan! A number of school districts across the country have already begun to drop the plan. Most of the school systems say the same thing: that their kids do not like the lunches and that many of them are going hungry. There were a number of foods that the students just simply would not purchase, plus it has been a bit of a nightmare for the schools to implement the plan. Not to mention expensive. In many districts, they even lost money.
Hmmm…a new program implemented by a liberal, designed to tell someone what is good for them and in ‘their’ best interests…and amazingly enough, it loses money! That sounds like it came right out of the Democratic party play book.
Even a medium sized school district would likely spend upwards of $100,000 to implement Michelle’s plan. Oh, by the way, not only is it osing money hand over fist, but it also shows a complete lack of understand about kids. For starters, these lunches are very small. They include sections like a “part” of a chicken patty and a very small piece of bread. Come on, Michelle, give the kids some real food! Just because you do not like meat is no reason to force the kids into becoming psuedo-vegetarians!
Bear in mind that these lunch plans cover students from elementary to high school. Obviously, the teenagers are going to complain when the portion sizes are incredibly tiny. So, the kids just simply refused to buy many things, and the district lost money…because they followed Michelle’s wonderful guidelines. Many students just decided it was better to bring their own lunches from home. I wonder if possibly that was her intention all along? Maybe the best way to get the students to eat healthy is by giving them what they do NOT want and will NOT pay for. How’s that for convaluted thinking, courtesy of our amazing first couple.
Get this, Michelle’s program would cost over $3.2 billion to implement across the country. Amazing. I guess it is a good thing that a number of districts have already been exposed to this as a test market of sorts. This whole thing really just illustrates the fallacy and luncy of the liberal thought process. They are, at their very core, just simply incompetent.
Nice try, Michelle, but no thanks, we can keep our own kids healthy, thank you very much!
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