“Every Illegal Alien Is a Criminal” is chapter 6 of No Amnesty! No Way!, a newly-released book by Brian W. Kelly. Purchase a copy here. The views represented are the author’s own.
How many crimes does it take to make a criminal?
Every illegal alien is a criminal. They commit a crime to enter the country. A person who commits a crime obviously is willing to break the law. Does a person willing to commit one crime stop at one when there is no punishment? Do they know where to draw the lines when their very existence in the US is a crime? Do they feel they have a right to make their own laws?
Once in the US, an illegal foreign national may end up in, say, Pennsylvania, where I live. Pennsylvania is hard to get around unless you have a car. illegal immigrants are not permitted to have Pennsylvania drivers’ licenses? Do they drive anyway? Sure, they pretty much have to drive to function. We already know they are able and willing to break laws so why not break another by driving. Once driving without a license for a length of time, do you think they choose to buy insurance on their illegally registered vehicle? Insurance is required to drive in Pennsylvania, but who is counting the number of crimes needed to survive? Pity the PA drive that gets in an accident with one of these interlopers who make their own laws.
Many, who advocate giving America away to foreigners claim, with no facts provided that illegal foreign nationals commit fewer rimes than Americans. Of course this is not true. Yet, it is difficult to find official statistics on people who are not officially in the country. California has a very high population of illegal foreign nationals from China and south of the border. Their crime statistics are much more available than in other areas of the country. Some of the numbers that have been publicized in the last ten years include the following:
- In Los Angeles, ninety-five percent of about 1500 outstanding warrants for homicides are for illegal foreign nationals.
- Upwards of 67% of about 20,000 outstanding fugitive felony warrants are for illegal aliens.
- Illegal aliens marked for deportation fall through the cracks. Over 400,000 illegal alien criminals with deportation orders have disappeared into thin air. One fourth or more of these are hard core criminals.
- Approximately 100,000 illegal foreign nationals, who have already gone to trial and have already been convicted are still walking the streets. Statistics for such repeat offenders are an average of 13 serious crimes per perpetrator.
- The bottom line is that llegal aliens are involved in criminal activities at a rate 2 to 5 times their representative proportion of the US population.
- As a telling statistic, way back in 1980, six years before the big Reagan amnesty, federal and state facilities held fewer than 9,000 criminal aliens. Yet, at the end of 2003, this number had ballooned to about 270,000 illegal aliens. These were incarcerated in U.S. correctional facilities at a cost of about $6.8 billion per year, and the numbers and the toll keeps increasing.
- About 5 million pounds of cocaine with a street value of at least $80 billion is smuggled across the southern border every year.
- 56% of illegal aliens charged with a reentry offense had previously been convicted on at least 5 prior occasions.
- Illegal foreign nationals charged with unlawful reentry had the most extensive criminal histories. 90% had been previously arrested. Of those with a prior arrest, 50% had been arrested for violent or drug-related felonies.
- Illegal aliens commit between 700,000 to 1,289,000 or more crimes per year.
- Illegal aliens commit at least 2,158 murders each year – a number that represents three times greater participation than their proportion of the population.
- Illegal alien sexual predators commit an estimated 130,909 sexual crimes each year.
- There may be as many as 240,000 illegal alien sex offenders circulating throughout America. Based on studies, they will commit an average of 8 sex crimes per perpetrator before being caught.
- Nearly 63% of illegal alien sex offenders had been deported on another offense prior to committing the sex crime.
- Only 2% of the illegal alien sex offenders in one study had no history of criminal behavior, beyond crossing the border illegally.
- In Operation Predator, ICE arrested and deported 6,085 illegal alien pedophiles. Some studies suggest each pedophile molests average of 148 children. If so, that could be as many as 900,580 victims.
- Nobody knows how big the Sex Slave problem is but it is enormous.
- The very brutal MS-13 gang has over 15,000 members and associates in at least 115 different cliques in 33 states.
- The overall financial impact of illegal alien crimes is estimated at between $15 and $100 billion or more per year. Factor in the crime as a result of the cocaine and other drugs being smuggled in and the number may reach $200 billion per year.
The Obama administration does not care what the statistics are. It has decided that Americans do not matter and do not need the protection of the government to secure the borders. Moreover, if a state decides to protect itself, the Obama Administration will sue them since it believes that foreigners have more rights than American citizens.
In late 2012, the Obama team quietly put out a memo to ICE personnel who are charged with assuring our border security. They told them not to try so hard anymore because illegal foreign nationals are really good fellows and do not need the big stick of ICE coming down on them too heavily. Officially, the memo stated that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency will no longer detain or seek to deport illegal aliens charged with misdemeanor crimes.
Among the conditions under which ICE agents are now allowed to issue a detainer, is if “the individual has three or more prior misdemeanor convictions.” Please note the word convictions. Supposedly, there are a few exceptions to the new policy, including those charged with, or convicted of a DUI and sexual abuse. But, the fact that Big Sis has full discretion on who leaves and who stays is an affront to all Americans.
The memo was signed by John Morton, the director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and released on Friday evening. The Obama administration tries most of the time to cover up its tracks and leaves nothing to chance from a PR perspective. It has become well known for its so-called ‘Friday night document dumps.’ This is a long-practiced Obama trick to not draw attention to the unpopular or damning information contained in the press release.
The Obama spokesman Morton said in this latest release that the memo restricts action “against individuals arrested for minor misdemeanor offenses.” Wow, that is insult upon injury. Obama is not a dictator and has no right to suspend any law passed by Congress or any article or right in the Constitution. It seems like he and his administration missed that particular memo from the founders.
What are some of the crimes that Obama has dictated will now be overlooked by ICE?
The following is just a partial list of misdemeanors as defined by the state of California:
- Trespassing
- Petty theft
- Disorderly conduct
- Shoplifting
- Receipt for stolen property
- Probation violations
- Driving without a license
- Prostitution
- Reckless driving
- Assault and battery without minimum injury
It was not at all out of character therefore for Obama to continue his assault plan on the American populace as a reprisal for the President not getting his way over the sequester. Under White House orders, Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano who the press affectionately refers to as Big Sis, approved the release of hardened criminals among the ICE prisoners unleashed into society. Like all sequester baby-style antics, this too was a ruse to get Americans to blame Republicans.
One would think that if they had to go, the illegal immigrant detainees could have simply been airlifted back to Mexico. Another notion is that the administration could have found other ways of cutting the budget such as removing soft drink soda machines, dance lessons, and popular fast food courts from the budget of the ICE? Of course. Instead, what President Obama instruct Janet Napolitano to do was to make it hard on Americans so they would complain about Republicans. Wasn’t that a great play for our commander in chief?
This book is not about piling onto the backs of interlopers big guilt trips about being criminals. However, what is, is! There are a lot of stories that show all of these invaders are not simply well-behaved guests, and their backgrounds often contribute to their inabilities to make it as a respectable resient of the US.
In another chapter in this book, for example I tell a few stories about how backgrounds often cause certain people to choose to use violence rather than common sense to solve their problems.
For example, there is a story on the Internet about how inbred attitudes affect the ability of illegal workers to blend in with how things naturally happen in the US. For example, in the US not everybody receives pay weekly or daily or semimonthly or monthly. This story is sad and it is about an illegal foreign national who misunderstood how things happen and he thought he was being cheated. He was working on a job site and when it came time from his perspective to be paid, he became very angry. He had been accustomed to being paid by the end of the work day. Prior to the current job in the US, he had been accustomed to work as a “day laborer.” In this capacity, he was always paid when the work day was done. Regular employment is different.
More reputable contractors operate on a pay period basis. He did not know this. So, when a more reputable contractor put him to work and at the end of the day, he thanked him for his work, asked him to come in the next day, and informed him that payroll would cut him a check at the end of the pay period, the illegal became enraged. From his own experience, he thought he was being cheated. So, as might have been the solution in his home country, he killed the contractor so that such treatment would never happen to him again and never again to any other “sucker.” Culture makes a big difference.
Another story, this one of a Mexican immigrant, shows how an illegal killed a young woman because she was driving a car that simply had the same look as the vehicle of a rival gang member of his. Knowing he had made a mistake in the killing, rather than awaiting justice, the illegal alien escaped back to Mexico and was not sent back for trial because Mexican authorities rightfully feared that he would be executed in America for his heinous crime.
In another story, an illegal alien was the driver of a vehicle with stolen plates, which is more than likely a misdemeanor and not a felony. He was driving without a license or insurance, which is the norm for all illegal foreign nationals, when he hit and killed a young bride. He did not mean it but it happened. So, based on the theory of fight or flight, the illegal alien took off and attempted to run, knowing that if he could remove himself from the scene of the accident, he would never be found. He was successful. Stories like this enrage Americans close to the scene such as in Arizona but they seldom are carried by this corrupt press so that other Americans never get the full picture or the complete set of facts.
US laws favor Americans but the enforcement of the laws by the Obama Administration favors illegal aliens. It is so bad that our hospitals and medical clinics have become overrun by people who come to this country without insurance or any means of paying for anything, including vital medical treatment. It may not be a crime to take services for which one is not entitled but it sure should be. Somebody has to pay. Yet, our Congress has passed laws that anybody from any country may show up at an emergency room for one reason or another, and they must be treated. No hospital can demand payment or discuss their immigration status until they are discharged, and the interlopers, familiar with our lax system, simply leave the bills unpaid. .
When they find border jumpers, they are supposed to be processed and deported. The next time caught, it is a felony but that doesn’t seem to matter anyway. Lots of what illegal aliens do in the course of their flights from torment are felonies but the enforcement bureau (ICE) has been told to ignore these criminals by the Obama administration.
US citizens would be locked up for the type of everyday crimes (ID-theft, etc.). The first order of business for the illegal foreign national, upon finding some sanctuary after this tough journey, is naturally to get some ID (a crime) and an American job.
Some of you may remember when Obama decided to make life so miserable for Americans in the beginning of Sequestration that he cut out the White House Tours, tried to slow down airport security screening and he forgot that illegals in jail are supposed to be deported, not released.
He told Americans when his release of several thousand deportee detainees was discovered that there was just a tiny number of carefully vetted non-dangerous illegal aliens from detention centers as part of the sequestration terror. Our President lied, and the Director of Homeland Security swore to the lies.
The true number currently stands at about 2,231, and when the deceit was discovered, the Administration had big plans to release lots more hoping the Republicans would get blamed. Obama plays politics with everything, and his winning the game is the only result that matters. He cares little about regular Americans. Watch what he does; not what he says.
When the Miami Herald dug into the backgrounds of the released detainees, they found more lies. Just in Miami, of the 225 released, 76 were convicted criminals and two were convicted felons. How does such politics help Americans when thugs are released by a politically corrupt President to further his agenda against his political enemies?
Big Sis, Obama, and ICE Officials tried to pull a fast one offering that just a few were released. Yet, on March 14, 2013, in testimony, they were forced to admit that the total was much higher than had previously been acknowledged. Though they appear to be witch-hunts sometimes, without trying to get the truth Obama’s lies stand as the truth and the corrupt press stand right behind him, happy to extend the lies.
Eventually this time, because of the people’s pressure, they admitted to the lies and added that the freed detainees included not only undocumented immigrants with no criminal records, but also people convicted of theft, financial crimes and multiple DUI’s. Ten of the foreign nationals released were deemed to be “Level 1” offenders, the most risky designation. Four were later rearrested.
With over 2,000 criminals released during the first few hours of sequestration, we know the President really does not care if any illegal interloper has committed additional crimes, besides the break-in to America. It is a ruse to get Americans to think that there really is an immigration practice that protects Americans in place. But looking at Obama’s action we learn that only the illegals are taken care of.
How serious is a simple crime of illegal entry? Would it be a simple crime if the perpetrator illegally entered your yard, your basement, or your living quarters? To get an idea of how serious a crime illegal entry is in most other countries, think about what would happen to you if you chose to break into Iran, Russia, or China with no documentation or authorization? You know the rest of your life would not be as pleasant as the first part.
Ironically while the soft selling gang of eight tyrants would have Americans believe we need to treat lawbreakers in a special way, both China and Russia have upped their penalties for illegal entry. They take illegal entry seriously and yet they have nowhere near the problem that we have in the US.
Under Obama, it is OK to be in the US illegally, and you will have more rights than most Americans. To assure this, the President has used Big Sis and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to assure that there is no systematic tracking of criminal alien felons across the country; and it is OK for cities to provide sanctuary for illegal aliens. On the other hand, the NSA and the IRS have been turned loose by Team Obama to track and impede regular US citizens in whatever they choose to do.
Statistics show that untold thousands of illegal aliens pass through the fingers of federal immigration authorities every day. Obama has ordered it so, and Big Sis makes sure her teams comply.
Post Continues: http://www.conservativeactionalerts.com/2013/08/every-illegal-alien-is-a-criminal/
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